After popping back a birth control pill every night for the past decade, my husband took permanent measures to prevent any future pregnancies and I went off the Pill.
I had been warned that going off the Pill would leave me with much heavier periods, increased acne, and irregular cycles and intensified PMS symptoms.
I warily stopped taking the pills, waiting to see the fury of crazed hormones unleash themselves on my body, but the first few months were filled with pleasant surprises:
1. I lost about three pounds.
2. My periods were actually shorter and lighter.
3. My moods were just as manageable.
“Ha! All those suckers were just pulling my leg about how bad it can be going off the Pill,” I scoffed.
Then. Last month hit.
1. I found those three pounds.
2. My period was NOT light. I’ll leave it at that.
3. I went from zero to CRANKY in two seconds flat. For the whole month.
4. I got cramps that were so intense I could not even stand up.

Yeah. So. Things are leveling off in the ol’ hormone department and it turns out I am fat, grumpy and crampy without the aid of mah pills.
Good to know.
I am hoping my body is still in a “let’s figure out the fluctuating hormones we’ve been experiencing” stage. Anyone else? TELL ME IT GETS BETTER.
I hear really good things about Mirena. It’s hormonal but low dose and apparently it makes your period so much lighter it may even disappear.
And if you think going off the pill is bad, try peri-menopause. It’s all that plus the joys of hot flashes!
Crap. Being a woman sucks sometimes!
You need to check out Lorna Vanderhaeghe’s books, she has been a God send for me. I suffered from awful periods from the time I was 15 (now 29) and ever since I followed her protocols, I’ve had the easiest periods of my life! I can’t say it would work for everyone, but definitely worth checking out
I love the pill and don’t think I’ll ever go off it! Even if Ken gets fixed. I suffered many years with debilitating cramps and the pill works like magic for me. If that’s the only reason I stay on it, it’s good enough for me. The almost non-exsistant period is also a bonus.
Haha Amanda we are in the SAME BOAT. I also thought everything was rosy (for me, for the first two months). Then it hit. I’ve never had such craziness and the hormones are over the top. Hope someone here tells us we’ll get through this! Thanks for posting, at least I am not alone.
I’m in the same boat here. Just off the pill for a couple of months now and I’m pretty I’ve turned into Jeckyl and Hyde. :(. It’s gotta get better (for all of us).
I want to know the answer to this question! I too have been on the pill other than while pregnant/nursing. I would like to take permanent measures, but am scared my body will freak out once it’s off the pill. I hope it gets better for you!
It gets better!! It WILL Level out! It can take a year for the pill to fully get out of your system so don’t be too scared of this month. Everyone is different and I don’t have a regular schedule by any means but you’ve been tricking your body for 10 years so giving it a year to learn all over again isn’t too much to ask. You’ll find your groove again.