Not so supermom is Not so happy!!
We sent our son to camp for 8 weeks. Initially we received a letter each week i.e one a week for the first three weeks. We were thrilled!!
Just a phone call that he broke his retainer AGAIN. i.e for the for second time in 5 weeks.
I swear I write pretty entertaining letters. I sent him the comic section from the Toronto Star, I sent him the latest movie reviews, and my husband even sent him a copy of “Wired”. I even wrote on the placemat from our fav. sushi place and the owner wrote him a message on it. (Ichiban Sushi on Spring Garden, in the event you are wondering)
So why doesnt he write? Part of me says “ok he’s happy. Otherwise you would hear from him”
Part of me says “he’s a 14 year old boy…leave it”.
But I miss him and want to hear everything about camp…the canoe trips, the activities he’s doings, the friends he’s making etc etc.
I talked to another mom the other nite and she said “I hear you. I have the same disease”.
I chuckled. It seems like I’m not the only mom with kids at camp who’s not receiving any letters.
Not So Supermom is really Not So Happy.
p.s do you think the last part of his letter has something to do with it? (see photo)
If my kids were away for eight weeks…I’d be doing and Irish jig, and I’m not even Irish!
Enjoy it…he’s probably on a winning streak!
Wowzers! I can’t imagine being away from my kids for that long (mind you – we aren’t in our teens yet…)
Do they have parent nights? Will you see him at all for 8 weeks?
And the letter?? I LOVE IT! lol!
Such Mom behavior that we all suffer from!! lol! I left my son at daycamp this morning while he was crying about something (that was really nothing) but I worried about him all day and if he was ok….when I showed up (early) to pick him up he was running bases around the baseball field and quipped…”why are you here so early”!
I feel your pain!!! The good thing is he is happy! 🙂 Now enjoy the down time 😉