I don’t know about you, but I have high hopes for 2011. There is so much I plan to accomplish that I am simultaneously excited about it and crippled by a fear of failing at it all.

Here are my goals:
1. Quit chewing my fingernails and cuticles until they bleed. It’s a gross, unhygienic habit that leaves my hands looking like those of a nervous, deranged individual and I want to have pretty hands again.
2. Lose 30 pounds. I know, this might sound like a lot, but I am GOING FOR IT! I am done having babies and my body is, at long last, mine and mine alone and I am ready to reclaim its hotness. I am going to take my time and lose the weight properly, in a slow, sensible manner.
3. Make physical activity a priority. I have given myself permission for the past few years just to focus on making it through the day, with all the demands of the crazy children gnawing at my heels. But I want to exercise again, not just for my weight loss dreams, but for the (mythical) endorphins, the energy it will give me, and for my health. I am aiming to exercise five days a week, but I am not putting any more structure to it than that. Some days I’ll just go for for a walk, maybe another day I’ll do the 30 Day Dread Shred, or whatever I feel like. As long as it’s something. And I am going to make it a priority, and not just squeeze it in if I have time.
4. Complete my Real Estate Licensing course and pass the exam. I have a bit of anxiety about the final comprehensive test, since there is so much information to retain and my brain is a mound of sleep-deprived mush, but I am going to do it!
5. Continue to be more present with my family. To stop and really feel the moments we’re in. To sit down and a read a book with Karenna when she asks, to play robot tag when the mood strikes, to really savour the days with the lovely people in my home.
What are your dreams/plans/resolutions for 2011?
1. drink less coffee, more herbal tea & water
2. read more books, less blogs (Yours is still on my must read list though)
3. Learn how to do a variety of up dos, like in the olden days; I think it’s a lost art.
4. Update the photos my relatives have of my children.
5. Learn about “Clean Eating”
6. Go to bed a bit earlier (11:30pm at the latest if at all possible. Ya, I’m pretty wishy washy on this one, we’ll see how it pans out).
7. Wear clothes that fit me (no more mat pants!!!!).
8. Sing and smile more often
9. Talk less, Listen More
10. Play Parcheesi with my DH more often ;o)
Jillian is no fun! Have you tried Turbo Jam kickboxing? I think your girls would think it’s fun too. Happy new year!
Happy New Year. Your resolutions seem to be doable.
The 30 Day Shred (and all of Jillian’s workouts) are awesome! I love them. They’re hard but very effective. I think they give you the most bang for your time. Doesn’t the 30 Day Shred have a 25 minute workout? It’s great for those days when you are really pressed for time.
Besides HAVE A BABY, I don’t really have any new year’s resolutions. I’ve had kind of a YOU’RE A FAILURE year and making resolutions would just solidify that statements. SO! Maybe a little less self-loathing? Ha!
I like your resolutions. I’m hoping that after this baby’s born I can convince myself that exercise isn’t the debbil. I especially like your #5 resolution – I have to do more of that too. I’m SO not a play-on-the-floor-with-my-kids kind of mom.