Each of us needs an escape every now and then and lately I’ve needed more than my share. So, I thought I would create a list for you of my Top Ten Ways to Escape. They are in no particular order and some of them are more effective depending on the circumstances but they have all been tested and given the thumbs up.
I’m curious how mine compare so share you top escapes in the comments below.
Jen’s Top Ten Ways to Escape
- A Good Book. This summer I read a zillion books and found this escape to be one of my favourites. I just finished a fab one; Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross. Historical fiction based on some pretty sound facts. A perfect escape.
- A Good Movie. In the most recent case #1 and #2 were related. I just finished The Time Traveler’s Wife a few weeks before the movie came out. Both were a great escape. There is something about the comfort of movie popcorn, a dark theatre, and a few hours of total escape.
- A Hot Bath. Despite the fact that my bath is far too small, I love the tub. Love to soak. Love to shut the door and shut the world outside. If even just for half and hour. Great escape.
- A Glass (or two…) of wine. For me wine is a social thing. I love to chat with friends over a few glasses of wine. This escape takes me to #5…
Good Company and Good Conversation. I love to laugh. I love to learn. I love to listen. Meeting new people or chatting with old friends or hanging with my hubby. Good conversation is one of my favourite escapes.
- My Kids. Although sometimes they fit into #5 and sometimes they may be the cause of my need for an escape, my kids are often not only great company but very interesting and entertaining. I love to watch them explore the world. Their zest for life is contagious and I often find myself so caught up in it that it offers a great escape.
- Travel. I definitely have the travel bug. After a year of great adventures from London and Paris to Turks and Caicos this is one escape I am going to make a priority!
- Running. Unfortunately for me, this escape has been on hold. I love to run. It took some time but now I actually crave it. It is so physically demanding that I am forced to put everything else aside and just put one foot in front of the other. A real escape!
- Starbucks Chai Tea Latte. Yah, yah, say what you will but this is one little indulgence that offers a mini-escape in the form of warm, sweet lovin’.
- A Good Meal. I love food…to a fault, maybe, but I hate to cook so finding a restaurant I love or experiencing a friend’s yummy cooking is a great pleasure. Add in #4 and #5 and you have the perfect Escape Night!
A good meal is definitely a great escape! The best meal I ever had was at a farm on the top of a mountain on the Amalfi Coast of Italy. Just thinking about that meal puts me in a good mood!
Hello Jen from Turks and Caicos!
How do I relax and unwind? Jeez…that’s a good question. It’s been so long I’ve forgotten. I want to say wine but that makes me sound boozy…I want to say tea but that makes me sound frumpy.
OK, I’ll say yoga. That makes me sound thinner.
Enjoying the site, cool and fresh. I actually just launched a new ezine. http://www.smalltownmoms.com
Does this make us archenemies? Hope not…
Good conversation is crucial for sure! There is nothing I love more, especially having 2 young children, a husband who hardly talks, and working with my family full time, good conversation with friends, over wine, is something I truly crave & can’t get enough of.
Also, for me my quickest & best escape is getting a pedicure. I bring a magazine and just tune out for an hour.
Ooooooh. I love a good massage too. Add that as #11!
AHA! Someone Else who has read Pope Joan! I read it over 10 years ago with my Book Club in Vermont!
I’m currently taking a Break from Jack Whyte’s Cameloud series and reading “Reading Lolita in Tehran.”
Best winter night… combine 1, 3 and 4 and get the kids to bed early to end the night with some Mom and Dad alone time. 😉
Those all sound wonderful. My favourite break is to go for a relaxing therapeutic massage. I’m heading out for one this afternoon!