Last week I asked you what you wanted from this blog. You let me know that you wanted to hear more about how things are working for us, every day.
When I first began this blog I talked about swinging and casual encounters, as that’s what we had the most experience in in the past. However, this year one of my friendships developed into something more with both my husband and I, and we now form a polyfidelitous triad. That means we’re not open to other people, long term or casual, at the moment. I’m faithful to my husband and girlfriend, she to us, he to us, so on and so on.
I found a great Q&A with a triad that is very similar to our situation, and I’d like to answer a few of the questions from my last post.
Do you anticipate making your girlfriend a permanent part of your relationship? What if one of you wants to break up with her, but the other doesn’t?
We hope this is permanent – but life changes, right? There’s the potential for myself and my girlfriend to decide to discontinue the relationship, or my husband and her, and we hope we can handle it with maturity and love, but that’s definitely an unknown.
Do you ever get jealous if your girlfriend and husband choose to have a “date” without you and does your husband get jealous if the reverse is true?
Yes, sometimes. Sometimes jealousy rears its ugly head if one person is feeling like the balance of love isn’t working out evenly at the end of a week or few weeks, but we talk about it and try to make everyone happy.
How did you meet your third partner? How do you broach the subject of whether they’d like to be an extra partner in a preexisting family?
It just … happened. She was a friend, she knew we were open to the idea of it, and she expressed interest. Our love for each other changed, and a love between my husband and her developed.
Do you ever have extra-marital relationships that your husband disapproves of? Do you always choose females as your extra partners? How would your husband feel if you chose a man? Is their a difference in jealousy with man vs woman?
I’m saving these answers for next week! They’re part of a larger discussion for sure.
of Laws LLB (Hons) University of Hull via BAC??s UK Transfer Degree Programme
(2+1,1+2) in Malaysia
How do I start a website that costs me nothing at all?
How soon do you think web crawler will pickup my blog posts?
Four more years under commies and we’ll have one kind of insurance for everyone.
Couldnt agree more with that, very informative article