About 2 months ago there was an announcement at school that Talent Show tryouts would be held that week.
Cuyler decided that he was going to perform in the show and went to the auditions. There were dance routines, kids singing, kids playing their instruments, skits, magic acts. Cuy knew just what he wanted to do.
A week or so after that a list was posted of all the kids who would be performing at the show.
Cuyler’s name was on the list.
I was excited and anxious. I wondered if all the other moms were nervous like I was. Or was it because my son has autism? Is that why I was? Would the kids laugh at him? Would they be able to understand him?
I was excited and anxious. I wondered if all the other moms were nervous like I was. Or was it because my son has autism? Is that why I was? Would the kids laugh at him? Would they be able to understand him?
I tried rehearsing with him using cue cards I had made up for him in the weeks leading up to the show but he refused. He would exclaim “I’m not practicing!”
I woke up yesterday with butterflies in my tummy, hoping that he would do a good job at the show. I knew he wouldn’t be nervous. He loves being front and centre. I knew he’d thrive in front of a large group. Luckily is wonderful EA was there to help guide him through – the audience of 300 was a bit distracting – he loved it. And so did the crowd. The understood him. They laughed. Not because he was different. Because he was funny.
Sean and I were absolutely beaming with pride.
I woke up yesterday with butterflies in my tummy, hoping that he would do a good job at the show. I knew he wouldn’t be nervous. He loves being front and centre. I knew he’d thrive in front of a large group. Luckily is wonderful EA was there to help guide him through – the audience of 300 was a bit distracting – he loved it. And so did the crowd. The understood him. They laughed. Not because he was different. Because he was funny.
Sean and I were absolutely beaming with pride.
I was so relieved he didn’t sway off into any of his blue material (greasy-poo, anyone?)
I couldn’t help but remember back to when he was 3 and he made our houseful of guests laugh. He continued to do whatever it was that made them laugh – he just got such a kick out of their reaction. I could see it again today.
I couldn’t help but remember back to when he was 3 and he made our houseful of guests laugh. He continued to do whatever it was that made them laugh – he just got such a kick out of their reaction. I could see it again today.
It makes me wonder what he’s going to be when he grows up…
This is great news. Children with Autism are always percieved as having a hard time in social settings. This makes this story even greater. Congratulations on your son’s performance.
love it!
He looked so happy
Beautiful Video
Mom’s all choked up
We’re so proud of Cuyler
we had a cuyler viewing tonight, applause all around
There are no words my darling!!
Im very proud of him too!!!
what a good day
(((((applause)))) way to go Cuyler!! If you don’t mind, I think i am going to share those jokes with my kids at dinner tonight, they are going to love them!!
LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh Cuy – this was so awesome!!!! Scotty did his talent show too – he acted out the Kermit the frog t-shirts skit! What a great video (and picture!!)
Hee!! Oh my goodness… that’s SO GREAT Christine! And go Cuyler, go Cyler, go Cuyler, go-go!!
I’m smiling so wide now… :))
Well. It’s only 11:30 and my day is made…
AMAZING! Made me tear up a little with pride for you, for him and the fact the jokes were “funny”.
Way to go Cuyler!!! Our local future stand up comic!!
Perfection! I love when he asks “Emma making you laugh yet?” and a kid in the audience yells “Yes you are!”
I LOVE THIS. I know exactly how you felt. Isn’t it funny that you had the butterflies and he did not. Motherhood! If anyone laughs AT my kid- its bare bottom spankings all the way around!!!!
He is perfection. I love his delivery and his sweet voice.
Awesome! Way to go Cuyler!
You know that was awesome. With or without autism that take courage to get up in front of your peers.
Yay Mommy and Daddy. Yay Cuyler!