As you know, I am on twitter (a lot) during the day. As a result, I get to win stuff. Today I won a free lunch @GladstoneHotel AND I had a chance to be on on CBC news with @cbcsteve.
Here is the story: In between one of my sales calls, I came across a tweet (aka a message) that said “first person to reply wins a free lunch at Gladstone Hotel”. Quickly I hit REPLY. VERY QUICKLY. Within an hour I heard from @GladstoneHotel telling me I won!! I had never been there before so I really happy. Plus it was free…so that made me even happier.
While dining alone, I had my iPhone with me and was reading tweets. I came across another tweet that said “looking to interview businessess/workers planning to work off-site during G20 in Toronto. DM (direct message) me if that’s YOU!
I wrote back.. “Im simply going to NYC to avoid the G20. I’m a sales rep with downtown accounts. Does that count”. That message was at 1:01 p.m.
I then received a message on twitter from @cbcsteve asking me to call him on his cell. We had a quick chat and set up a time/and place to film the interview.
By 2:45 p.m., I was infront of Hart House and being interviewed by @cbcsteve.
At 6:00 p.m. it was aired on CBC news.
Fun. (well kinda, it’s brutal to see yourself on TV. I shouldn’t have watched it).
Thanks to @GladstoneHotel and @cbcsteve. My day wouldn’t not have been the same without finding you both on twitter.
Way to go! And going to NYC for the G20 is an awesome idea!
You are a Twitter Superstar!