Motivated Mommy’s.You know the kind. They seem to do it all. They make the rest of us feel in adequate at times. In the past I have been accused of being that mom without warrant. The reason being I had become socially misleading by keeping up appearances and forgetting that my authenticity was a gift to myself and my community. Many woman in my life thought I had it all together and that my successes came with ease. People would ask how do you do it? They imagined that I flew out of bed every morning ready for the world. While that can be true at times ,there are certain things that when not in place have me dragging my feet (and sometime more than that!). I realize the balance required to stay motivated 100% of the time is an art that most of us spend a lifetime trying to learn, and faking it to make it will catch up with you. I have also realized that when we naturally excel at something there are associated life skills we developed at an early age. This early learning directly impacts the ease in which we do things as adults. For example: many people who are good with money have had the values associated with money instilled in them at an early age. This means as an adult money matters are second nature. This goes for fitness, relationships, education and any other discipline of life. The key word being discipline. If we haven’t been given the skills at a time in our life where we can just learn to "be our knowledge" we lost that second nature advantage. This doesn’t mean we cant master new skills as adults. It means that if you want a certain aspect of your life to change you MUST invest in it wholeheartedly.To do so successfully, you need to do it with the humility and the wonder of a child. With a humble approach to the challenge you can gain control of almost any aspect of your life that you feel is underdeveloped. Inherited discipline is a privilege and we all received some of it in certain areas of our life. What we are good at should be looked at and examined for the history behind how we got so good. Identifying the principles behind why we were able to master an area of our life will give us the keys to mastering the things that need work today.
To start planning for success in an area of your life self assessment and accountability (SAA) is your first stop.
The questions :
What am I good and confident in doing?( don’t dismiss the simple things)
How long have I been developing this skill?
What habits and behaviours are assoicated with my success in this area?
What things do I wish I were better at?
What were my first introductions to this skill or discipline?
What types of things do I need to start learning this skill today?
In all areas anyone can start learning today. It is a matter of figuring out what is needed and the different mediums you can access to get the information required to develop and practise the knowledge associated with this skill . If the example is fitness,I tell women I work with they cant just do fitness to be successful. If that is the approach then once I walk out the door then it all falls apart. To take their life of wellness into their own hands they need learn it, do it, be it and it does not have to be time consuming. Bite sized learning formats have equal value once you identify all the possibilities of dropping the pebbles for success. The nothing part of "all or nothing" keeps us stuck. If you cant do all, dont resort to nothing. DO SOMETHING. Some pebble size learning formats for fitness are: leaving fitness magazines in the bathroom, an online community, motivational newsletter subscriptions like the one we have at , organized groups, ,books on CD, workshops, coaching and books.
Start today!
Cheers ,