Burnt out and over it? Ive touched a bit on how self care is a building block for motivation. Its the one thing I think we(moms) epidemically ignore. Motivated people often crash and burn thinking they can continue at a crazy pace endlessly without gassing up. I’m the expert on this trust me. As I write this it is a reminder to myself. In fact I’m just coming out a period in my life where I frequently approached burnout. Being a self admitted hardheaded learner I often hit the wall before I make the call. "Making the call" on when to slow down and take care of you is an essential life skill. My personal struggle with this is tied to my fear of not being productive enough. Growing up in a home where my own mother struggled with depression she was unable to stay on top of even the basics like getting meals cooked and the house was always filthy. This personal issue is directly tied to my obsessive need to be good at everything. Many years of cycling workaholic behavior with burnout has certainly taught me it does not work. No one can do it all. To have a balanced life you have to have a balanced approach. This may mean slowing down your career and therefore your expenses for a less demanding life rich in quality. Doing simple things like family walks ,crafts, or spending time together reading as a family can enrich you. Taking care of you alone also matters in a big way. To be your best you must care for yourself with adequate rest, good food,exercise, tender moments and time to reflect. All of these things feed the soul and without them in place it is inevitable that this crazy world will get us down.
How do you know when your doing too much?
1.When the things you love start to feel like a chore your definitely hitting the wall. Its in these moments questions about quality of life and what it means for you and your family are worth asking. For some balancing a lot maybe about breaking a barrier ,a necessary evil. Others have more than enough to take a step back from the overdrive life some of us are tend to be addicted too.
2 Irritability : Feeling impatient and short with the kids and hubby. Your tolerance for every day events has gone out the window. A sure fire sign of being overwhelmed. Take time for you immediately so you can show up in a more positive way for yourself and others.
3 Sleeplessness: Lying in bed at night thinking about your plateful of responsibility? Chances are you have too much to think about. Time to start trimming the schedule of unnecessary items. Where do you start? Do you over program your kids or yourself. Do you have a hard time saying no. You simply do not and must not say yes to every invitation.
4. Lack of energy: This is can happen from doing too much or too little of the right things. When we are taxed with tasks we often miss the essentials like eating right and balanced activity.
5. Increased resting heart rate: This is a byproduct of most often too much exercise. It can however be a symptom of stress in general.
5. Depression: A subjective word anyone who isn’t managing self care properly will feel the symptoms of depression. Having said that before a trip to the pharmacy talk to your doctor if lifestyle management is something they would be willing to work on with you. Lifestyle coaching to help you improve scheduling, get references for improved nutrition, exercise and personal work to help you identify defeating patterns that lead to burn out is an investment worth making if your life has gotten the better of you.
Start taking care of you today and benefit for your whole life
Best Wishes on Self Care