You’ve done it again. Waited too long to book something and now you’re wondering where to go, what to do and how much it’s all going to cost. But fear not.
While it’s true that the best price breaks for the getaway – when everyone and their grandmother wants to go away – were probably to be had a few months ago, there are still plenty of options for a memorable Spring Break.
1. Go where you know: Who says March Break travel has to be fresh and new? Did you go somewhere last year? Did you have a good time? Call them up and see if you can get in again. Sometimes we put too much pressure on finding a *new* place, that we forget that something tried and true can be just as much fun the second (or third) time around. You can find 5 of my favourites here.
2. Go now because you can: Yup. It might cost ya but if there’s somewhere you’ve wanted to visit with the family and the struggle is as much about finding the time as finding the money, and March Break provides the time…go now. A week off during the spring may be exactly what your family needs. Dig deep and find a way to make it happen.
3. Stay home ( not “home-home” but in town) Check with your local hotels and see
if there’s a deal at that new hotel you’ve been dying to check out. Make a
schedule to visit things you’ve read about but never actually seen in your own
city or one nearby. Act like a tourist: Send the kids to kids club, order room service and
swim in the pool.
4. Stay home (no really, “home – home”) We’re doing this this year. Obviously we
love to travel but what we’ve realized, and what I
think a lot of families are realizing, is that between kids in school and at
lessons, and parents at work and meet-ups with colleagues, we really don’t spend
much actual time at home. It doesn’t mean you have to be cooped up
inside. Think ahead about ways you can explore your neighbourhood, plan walks,
family game days, have neighbours over or go to their place.
Try to do the
things that make hanging with family fun….and leave the laundry for next week
when you’re “back” from vacation.
If you’re still bent on jetting off visit for updates on the latest deals and destinations.
Hawaii bound in mid March. I am so excited to go and visit my friends in paradise island. I’m hoping that the ocean water will be warm by the time we arrive there so we can snorkel around.
A really great March Break getaway is at Blue Mountain. They have free family friendly concerts called SPRING ROCKS Mon-Thurs after skiing plus an indoor-outdoor waterpark. The line up of bands is fantastic ~ The Midway State, Bedouin Soundclash, Stereos and illScarlett. All the information is at
You have great ideas for the march break and you do not have to go too far from your neighbourhood to have fun with the children.
Recently I took my children for family day to the Nottawasaga Conservation (Tiffin Centre) for great outdoor activities (kick sledding, snowshoeing, geocaching). It took my all of 15 minutes to get there from my house. I always pass by the sign when travelling. My children are 10 and 5 so to find activities that they both like is sometimes not easy.
There is a also another great website to look over for march break getaways and activities if you are wanting to travel North of Toronto
It’s funny Erin. We live here and so rarely make it to the Zoo or ROM and both are phenomenal. Adding them to our plan of attack. Hope you have a great week.
We’re hoping for a little Toronto time and maybe some skiing at Ellicotville (staying with family in both places). We’ll take in the Zoo and the ROM and the Science Centre, and that will be great!
I like it! Especially if they leave the fridge stocked. 🙂
Thanks for these tips Heather!
We have a sort of tradition: Grandma & Grandpa are always away for March Break so we go and housesit for them. It’s not quite a stay-cation, but it is a place where the kids are familiar & happy. Plus, there’s always has a new path to explore.
Oh I’m with you on the “hoping for good weather.” We’re home no matter what but if the weather’s nice the possibilities open up that much more!
Last March was the first March Break that we’ve spent at home since before the kids were born (darn hockey playoffs…but that’s another post). In the end the novelty of all that free time with nowhere we HAD to be, combined with my willingness to treat every day like a vacation and loosen my pursestrings a little, combined with the most beautiful Spring weather ever, added up to a great week for the kids and I!
Looks like we’ll be home-bound again next month, so I hope things work out just as well.