What would his first three words be? What three words would he string together in the pillars of a sentance. Ok I know I was a bit spoiled with Roman’s first word being “Mama”and his second being “I love” but come on, he totally set me up for “I love you” or “I love Mama” being the natural progression. lol
So it really serves me right that my sons first three words were… “Mama cook egg” followed by a little nudge in the direction of the kitchen. Next came “Mama stop talking”.
Both made me laugh and for me the giggles are like oxygen so while I am forever grateful to my son for calling me Mama while I really needed that affirmation while alone with him in a hotel in Russia, and his declaration of affection being his first two word combo. I have to say I am equally filled with joy that my little man makes me laugh. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes just cuz toddlers are freakin funny little beings and sometimes because it’s either that or cry when he’s demonstrating the dark side of two.
For whatever reason, thanks little man for the gift of the giggles.
classic! I love it. Will’s first word was dada – go figure!