I am not a contest queen but I love to win free stuff. Don’t you?
So on the occasion (i.e when I have time and I’m in the mood) I will submit an entry to win something I am interested in.
Fiirst Example: Toronto Life Magazine ran a contest one year for free VIP tickets to the Beer Festival. Within 2 seconds I submitted my name and I WON.
Second Example: one year I received an email from Proctor and Gamble asking me to fill out a quick questionnaire and in return I would get 2 CoverGirl Lipsticks and 1 foundation. I filled out that questionnaire in maybe 3 seconds after I received it. Who doesn’t want free make-up?
I received my make-up by UPS a few days later. I tried it out and loved both products. Then I recieved a follow up email with a bunch of questions regarding the product.
Then I received another email from them that they were looking for women for an upcoming advetorial in Chatelaine Magazine. Hmmm. So I searched thru FIVE years of albums and found ONE decent shot.
Then I received another email saying I was selected. YAHOO.
I showed up at a studio along with 5 other women. Our make-up was done, our hair was touched up, we tried on clothes for the shoot and then our photos were taken (lots of photos…i.e hundreds of photos).
After a long day, I received a basket full of Olay goodies. I was thrilled!!
It get’s better… I get a phone call from a neighboir and it goes like this:
Neighbour: “Hi Vicky. Listen, I got my Chatelaine Magazine today and there is a full page of you in it”.
Vicky: “oh….ya think I can come over?”…I was so eager, excited, anxious, to see the photo that I ran over to her house.
A week later I received 10 english and 10 french copies of Chatelaine.
I had the photo framed as a reminder of my moment of fame. Kinda Kewl story eh?
p.s. my other famous TV makeover story will be another entry. Stay Tuned.
They knew that was part of their lives and accepted it. If I missed something, they would even remind me. I have been ignoring my kids for too long, and consequently, I have lost them. I had to get my kids back.
How often do you take care of their meals, from beginning to end? When was the last time you bathe them? Getting my point?.
I SO BADLY want to win a makeover! Btw, awesome shot.