What was I THINKING???
What could I possibly have been thinking? Granted, yes, I have lost five pounds since I last weighed myself (2 days into this Sacred Heart Misery) so there is a definite rapid weight loss factor.
There is also a very definite and pronounced MIND-LOSS factor!
I told my husband yesterday that I might kill someone if I’m not able to eat soon. And by eat, I don’t mean lean beef and vegetables (today’s fare). Although marginally better than beef and up to six tomatoes (trust me…after 3 tomatoes, you don’t want any more…and I love tomatoes!) it’s just not cutting the mustard. Now, beef and vegetables sounds good in principle, and I’m desperately trying to remind myself that I happily ate marinated flank steak and avocado purée
prepared by Chef Ezra at the Calgary Kitchen Party, but it is just. not. good. enough. See, at the Kitchen Party, it was flank steak quesadillas. Key missing ingredients today? Tortilla & cheese.
And fat.
I might just kill someone if I don’t get to eat something like this, and soon:
But sadly, I know this is a case of Mind Over Matter, so I will persevere!
Think of me kindly when you think of me.
You go girl! You can do it. I LOVE cheese and bread but you will feel so cleansed and ready to hit Weight Watchers in a BIG way!