I am by no means a movie critic. However it was kinda cool seeing Robert Crouse who is a famous movie critic sitting a row a head of me at the Scotiabank Theatre on Monday nite.
I was lucky enough to score a pass to the special screening of Eat, Pray, Love featuring Julia Roberts. I received the ticket as I follow the Windsor Arms hotel (@windsorarms) on twitter. I was going there for drinks one nite and tweeted that she should drop by and say hi. Not only did she drop by but she gave me and my friend a lovely envelope full of goodies including the movie pass.
Guess you want to know..did I like the movie?
I did. But I enjoyed the book better. I think that’s the case with most books that make it to the movie theatres. Agree or disagree?
Julia Roberts did a great job portraying Elizabeth Gilbert. Infact the whole movie was well cast.
My biggest complaint was the movie was too long..2 hours and 15 minutes.
My favorite part of the movie: Italy….but then again, I loved that part of the book as well.
(something about all that great food. I guess that doesnt surprise you).
There were a lot of scenes, where characters were crying. Generally I prefer “funny scenes” than crying scenes but then again, the characters were going thru some deep introspection.
The movie also left out a few details i.e how she afforded the trip!!
Overall it was a good portrayal of the book. It wont be winning awards but that’s ok it was still a good movie. Not amazing, but good.
I hope you get a chance to see it too, so you can leave me a comment if you liked the movie.
Many people didn’t like the book at ALL so I know those people won’t be going to see the movie. (you know who you are).
Look forward to reading what RIchard Crouse has to say on Friday!!
See ya at the theatres everyone.
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On weekdays, I would be working on my computer while the kids might be playing by themselves near me. But I had to remind myself constantly to stay calm, because it takes only one second for me to snap.
Like Sara, I loved the book and think Julia just plays one role, over and over. I just read pretty negative review in The Toronto Star. I will wait for DVD release (as I do for all movies due to my location and lack of babysitters) to make my own judgement. I can imagine it would be difficult to capture the essence of the book and I can’t really imagine Julia in the role – too perky.
I was lucky enough to get a preview pass to movie and loved the book, thought the movie was a pretty good interpretation but missed some major details which could have been included ’cause movie was long.
HA! I’m the total opposite of Sarah…I want to see the movie because I loved the book so much….but I can’t deal with Julia Roberts! It’s a very funny thing with this book- I think a. most people loved the Italy part best and b. people under 30 (and I mean this with NO disrespect…more jealousy…:)) don’t get it. YET. If I hadn’t of got pregnant with Will, I was totally copying Liz and heading to South America to learn spanish, Italy for some eats and then not sure where else….Instead, I had Will and have a photo collage called Eat, Bathe, Love of him in my bathroom….
(“you know who you are”)
Me! Me! I won’t be seeing this movie because I couldn’t stand the book…but I’ll rent it because I like Julia Roberts.