I probably shouldn’t even be talking about this, but I feel I owe my faithful readers an explanation before I disappear from public view.
Here’s the deal. CSIS, Canada’s top super spy organization, has chosen me as their latest international man of mystery. Effective immediately, I will be going into hiding.
First, I will be going to a remote and desolate Canadian outpost to learn all about Canada’s latest spy techniques… like how to use maple syrup to get evil doers to admit defeat, and how the term “desolate Canadian outpost” is actually code for “Winnipeg in the middle of Winter.”
After my super spy training is complete, I will then be assigned spying duties, likely in one of our most nefarious enemy countries… probably Sweden, or New Zealand. I will need to fully integrate myself into their culture and learn all of their customs, so I can slowly weave myself the inner sanctum of said country’s governing body.
Then, once I have gained the trust of the country’s top officials, I will be responsible for sending secret “cables” back to Canadian officials, only to have them intercepted by WikiLeaks and posted for you all to see.
So, until my first cable is in fact intercepted, I’m afraid you won’t be reading anything more from me for a while. This is because my new job as international man of mystery requires me to relinquish my writing duties with UrbanMoms.
Ok, ok… that isn’t true… or is it? Ok, seriously, no, it isn’t. Or is it?
Well, the super spy part isn’t true. But this will be my last post for UrbanMoms.
Since I started blogging for UrbanMoms a year and a half ago, I’ve had nothing but good times. I have loved being able to share stories about Pea’s antics, and my own, but time is a finite thing. And simply put, I’ve not been able to devote the appropriate amount of time to blogging here. Since I don’t see that changing anytime soon, this will be the end of Father Knows Best?
I have written 110 posts and over 930 of you have seen fit to comment on my nonsense. I’ve especially loved all of the comments from SPAM sites… apparently, there are a ton of people out there who read my blog who also sell knock-off Gucci and Prada handbags. Who knew?
In my 110 posts, I’ve told you about floating crap in the bathtub, the time Pea commented on my man junk, the perils of being at the front of the bus, the importance of foreplay, a nest of birds in my BBQ, and so much more. Blogging here has been cathartic and enlightening and quite often freeing.
I’ve also met some amazing Moms, and 1 amazing Dad. And because of who they are and what they do, I will be an UrbanMoms reader for a long time to come.
A big thanks to Jen, Carol and Ali, who run a tight outfit here at UrbanMoms. I appreciate the opportunity they gave me, which is to have more than just my parents read my stuff.
There you have it. I’m done. In the words of the italian guy from the movie Titanic, you know, in the scene when the ship sets sail from Ireland and he and Leo are waving to the people on shore: “I will miss you! I will never forget you!”
So sorry to read that you are leaving. I have been reading your blog frequently and enjoyed every single one but feel badly that this is most likely the first time I have ever commented on it. Thanks for all the laughs and keeping it real!
Oh Shawn, I’m so sorry to see you go. Where will I go when I need a laugh? I get it though, it’s hard to manage all the facets of life. I’ll miss you.
Aw, that’s a shame, Shawn – urbanmoms just got a tiny bit less funny, right there, but I totally get this, because my own blog? SO neglected. We need more hours, us parental types do.
I hope you’ll start writing on your own blog when you can!
well miss you Shawn!! Stay in touch and maybe we can catch Ray together some day!!!!
They were very entertaining and I enjoyed reading all of them. I will miss them!
We will miss you, Shawn! And did you REALLY just quote from Titanic???
Best of luck to you, we will miss you, and your humour!
P.S, wanna buy a rolex, dirt cheap. LOL
We will miss you Shawn.

You are a good, good egg.
Oh Shawn…
This makes me sad. I’ve always loved your writing and you never fail to make me laugh.
I’ll miss hearing about Pea an what you guys have been up to.
Take care and I’ll see you on twitter!
sorry to see you go! i thoroughly enjoyed the “man-book” as it gave me tremendous insight into the inner workings of the male species. give pea a big squeeze from all of us!