For the last few months, I have been planning a trip to New York City to attend the Fancy Food Show. I knew my kids were at sleepover camp and I knew that the G20 was going to be in Toronto so it was perfect timing to LEAVE THE CITY.
I arrived in New York around 10 p.m. (after my plane was delayed 3 hours, but lets not talk about that). I selected a hotel that my sister had stayed at when she was on business. Now, you have to know that my sister has good taste (really good taste) so I knew that it was going to be a great hotel. Indeed she was spot-on!!
The Hudson Hotel has a lot going for it: a few blocks from Central Park, a few blocks from the Time Warner Building and across the street from a Whole Foods that is the same size as The Bay. (not quite, but close). So let’s just say the location is PERFECT. Plus it’s uber kewl.
I checked in and decided that this “mamma” needed to head out for a drink. Unfortunately the Sky Terrace was closed as it was already 11 p.m. BUT the Private Park was open and it was HOPPING. I enjoyed a cold beer and soaked up the atmosphere.
After a drink (or two), I went up to my room to collapse. Which I did.
On Friday I had an appointment at 10:00 a.m at Bloomingdale’s with Marian Goodman, the VP of Personal Shopping. I was given the most amazing tour of all the departments.
YOU TOO can schedule an appointment next time you visit and they will help you find exactly what you are looking for – with no obligation. They have 8 personal shoppers on staff to help you out (and your husband too).
Now how fun is that?
I bought myself a little bag that reminded me of the first time I went to Bloomingdale’s when I was about 10 years old. I couldn’t resist.
I was also given a tour of all their fantastic restaurants by David Starr (OVP of Bloomingdale’s Restaurants) and Marc Meisel (Regional Manager of Restaurants). I loved the atmosphere of both Forty Carrots (think healthy) and Flip (think – great for the kids).
I could just see myself one day – shopping with a Bloomingdale’s personal shopper while my kids and hubby hung out at Flip enjoying one of their signature milkshakes!! Everyone would be happy.
Then I was off for a 2 p.m food cart tour courtesy of
This was a special 2 hour walking tour. It was led by a foodie blogger, and it was fun and tasty. Something I could have never done by myself.
I had pasta (from the Kwik Pasta truck), brownies (from the Treats Truck), rice and tofu (from the Jamaican Dutchy), a kati roll (from the Bangladesh truck) and another special treat from the Halal truck.
I went back to the hotel to rest as both my feet and my stomach needed a time out. Then later that nite, went to check out Shake Shack.
Total Happiness. This week will be dedicated to more New York adventures so I hope you check out my blog throughout the week. (HINT)
The Hudson Hotel is located at 356 West 58th Street (
Bloomingdale’s is located at 1000 Third Ave (
New York City Resource ( – very helpful site.
jealous…sooooo soooo jealous!
great post! you’re making me super-excited for my trip!
I never knew if I could trust those carts but since you named a few and they did sound yummy I might just give it a try next time I’m in NY. Forty Carrots (Karrots) in Bloomingdales is by far the highlight of my shopping experience the frozen yogurt is NOT to be missed. Thanks Vicky for some great info.
My daughter and I are off to New York next week. We are both soooo excited. I will definitely check out the New York City Resource website. Thanks for the great tip!
Sounds like you had a fabulous time. Can’t wait to hear about more of your adventures in NYC