I know I know…I should really stop talking about food. But it’s holiday season, so please bear with me.
I promise in January I will bore you with details about preparing for triathlon season. Trust me, my blog entries will have an entirely different focus.
So let’s talk about all the holiday flavors that are introduced once a year:
Peppermint Lattes
Candy Cane Ice cream
Eggnog Ice cream…did I miss anything?
Oh yeah, Gingerbread Lattes
I love these flavors. Love Love Love.
As quickly as they are introduced, they leave and I’m back to eating spelt flakes again for breakfast. (just kidding…actually I’m not kidding).
Quick Story: In the summer, I serve chips (and beer of course) when we entertain and EVERYTHING has so much flavor that one friend said “does everything have to be spicy?”. On that occasion, I had served Thai flavored chips, salt and pepper chips, hot and spicy popcorn, plus black pepper roasted peanuts. He was right!! It never occurred to me to put out a plain chip, plain popcorn or plain nuts.
So we had an interesting discussion regarding what constitutes “flavor”.
Here is a question for you…..whats your favorite food/drink that you love this time of year? Hope to hear from you soon (in between peppermint lattes of course).
My favourite is chocolate chip shortbread cookies. I’m not a fan of just shortbread, but shortbread chocolate chip – yum! And when I make them at any other time of year, they just don’t taste as good.
Flavor, flavor, my favorite flavor? I guess my favorite flavor this time of year has to be gingerbread, although I do love candycane anything. Gingerbread is probably the number one flavor (not just ginger but gingerbread). Gingerbread cake, gingerbread men, gingerbread latte …. not sure why I only eat it during this season? The only answer I can come up with is….that someone else is making it for me!