I often comment on how hard it some days to switch gears in the parenting department. One minute I am chasing down two wild twin toddlers, breaking up a fight between siblings, and then dealing with the crazy mood swings of teenagers and having to rationalize things that I really shouldn’t have to rationalize at all. I won’t sugar coat it – as much as I appear to be so calm and collected don’t be fooled. It can be frustrating, stressful, and simply exhausting. Some days I get so tired just thinking about everything that I have to get done in a day.
Well since my oldest daughter started high school in the fall a new event has entered our lives – volunteer hours and needing a job to complete them!
For those of you that are unaware, in order to graduate High school, students must complete 40hrs of volunteer work. These volunteer hours can be completed at any time as long as they are done by the time you are to graduate.
Of course my daughter started talking about this volunteer business back in the summer before she even started school. She wanted to make sure that she had a plan because being in the gifted program in high school means more work, more studying, and less free time.
Wow a job. The thought hadn’t even really sunk in, but I was starting to freak a bit. It just seemed crazy to think of my daughter going out into the real world to work. I have to admit I was nervous and really didn’t want to break that little shred of string I still had attached to the two of us just yet. Really how did we get here so fast? Time really does go quickly, but when you are constantly pregnant, giving birth, breastfeeding, and trying to stay awake all day it goes by REALLY fast!
She went through a list of potential jobs she could take on, but trying to fit it in with her school, acting, competitive acrobatic gymnastics, and endless rehearsals, it was hard. She was determined however, to get it done this year. Thats right, THIS YEAR by the end of grade 9!
After much thought we came to find the best job. CIT – or Coach In Training. It made sense. She is already training over 12 hrs a week, so why not start coaching? It is a flexible schedule that allows her to coach some classes before her training starts. She can also work towards getting her NCCP (National coaching certification program) which will allow her to coach competitive levels in a few years if she wants.
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t just a little proud that she is following a bit in my footsteps, however, I know that she has other ambitions in life – lots of them and I am glad. For now this is a great way for her to get her volunteer hours in, have some fun, and be able to earn some money when her hours are completed.
So for now having this extra job means more organizing, fitting everything in, and trying not to go insane, but like everything else we do what is best for our children.
As I shed a few tears as my oldest heads out into the real world beyong the walls of our house, I can at least have a bit of satisfaction in that I still have two toddlers who are just beginning to jump and talk and as far as I’m concerned they can take as long as they want.
Have you dealt with a child starting a real job? How did you deal with the transistion from child to young adult?
Until next time,
Thanks Carla – yes she is coaching the winter session as a volunteer coach. Doing this one session will give her more than 40hours so she is covered in that area. Once she completes the hours she can start to get paid – a good thing – she will now be able to pay for gas in the van! lol
as i recall from when my eldest did hers, your volunteer hours are not a job and you can’t get paid for your volunteer work, they are supposed to be for volunteer work which does not involve getting paid like you would in a job. A job also wouldn’t count as your volunteer hours and you cannot do something that would otherwise be a job except you’re not getting paid because that would be taking jobs away. You might want to double check this, as you wouldn’t want this not to count.