There was so much good in this week’s episode. SO MUCH.
In keeping with true Glee thematic episodes, Furt is mostly about marriage, and it’s not just about Burt and Carol’s nuptials, which, PS, the Glee club dancing down the aisle to Marry You was right up there with Jim and Pam’s wedding. It really was. But no, it wasn’t just about them. It was about Sam proposing a relationship to Quinn, it was about Finn and Kurt becoming FURT, and, then there’s the whole Sue Sylvester marrying, um, Sue Sylvester, in a track-suit wedding dress, obviously. Well, you know, online dating didn’t work for her…what with no one else being into the same things as she was: extreme taxidermy, tantric yelling, poking the elderly with hidden pins.
All weddings aside, this episode was big, and nothing short of one of the most important episodes of Glee ever. Everybody realizes that this Karofsky the Bully situation is downright unacceptable and everybody but Finn (and still-on-probation Puck) rallies to try to fix it.
Also, we finally have Will Schuester doing what he does best. Helping his student without doing something stupid (Extra points for not kissing anyone this week, Will!) and crooning to Sway while his students radiantly danced in their seats. Perfect.
AND FINALLY, Finn gets it. He gets that it doesn’t matter about getting a slushy in the face or about his popularity meter. He needs to sack up and stand up for his new brother. And he does the one thing that he knows will mean the world to Kurt…he dances. Well, he lets his guard down first and tells Kurt that no matter he has his back, and then he dances.
Sue Sylvester-as-principal works, even though the office smells and she can’t shake the feeling that she is inhaling a lot of dead skin and ends up resigning. But before she does, she steps up to protect Kurt, I mean Lady, I mean Porcelain.
Can we talk about Carol Burnett for just a second? Is there anyone on this planet who could bully the bully as well as she did in her guest role as the Nazi-hunting Doris Sylvester? I doubt it. She was fantastic. She had me at “Well, that wasn’t as good as I thought it would be” at the end of the Ohio duet, and, of course, at Appalachian murder ballads.
I weep that Kurt is leaving McKinley for a school with a zero tolerance policy. I really do. Because, well, this changes everything. But, this is what makes Glee a great show. It’s an organic move, and it makes sense for him.
I can’t say enough good about this show. Despite the rather *ahem* adult content, I let both my girls watch it. We host a weekly “Glee party”, mostly because we are the only house with time-shifting so all the other lax parents who let their kids watch Glee send their daughters over here to watch it at 6pm – otherwise they’re up to watch when it airs on the west coast and then they don’t get to bed until 10. So every Tuesday we throw a few frozen pizzas in the oven and a crowd of giggling 7-10 year-olds gathers to watch Glee, along with one sappy 41 year-old with a major crush on Will Schuester 😉
PS, they think I’m “random” because I know all the words to all the songs and because I think Will is cute, in a sort of Michael Buble-esque way. RANDOM. I ask you.