Its 4:57 and in one hour we will load 4 massive duffel bags into the van and then deliver them to a drop off location so that the bags will arrive at camp before the kids do. (smart eh?)
What does it mean to get ready for camp? It involved 2 trips to Costco, 4 trips to Walmart, 1 trip to Camp Connection (labels), 1 trip to Dollarama, 1 trip to the Post Office, numerous forms to fill out and a cheque. (not in that order).
What’s on the packing list? Do you really want to know?
and more…and more…and more and more and more and more.
The first time I saw the list, I freaked out. I mean, who has fifteen pairs of underwear and fifteen pairs of sox??
But when laundry gets done once a week, it means that they need another weeks supply to get them thru till the laundry comes back.
It’s my sons’ third time going back to camp so I do not have a heart attack like I use to.
However I wasn’t happy when I had to replace 15 pairs of boxers with 15 pairs of Jockeys coz he decided that it was “time for a change”. Costco rescued me with a pack of 3 at $12.99.
The linen closet is now empty – have no more towels. OK..maybe I can find one or two but really they have cleaned me out.
As I pack these bags…I wonder how families with 4 kids manage? Most of my friends have 4 kids and I can’t even imagine what a job it is to pack them up.
After we drop off the duffels we will go to Ichiban Sushi Restaurant for the “last supper”.
The kids will have one more nite in their own beds and tomorrow at 1 p.m the bus departs.
I’m sad already but trying not to think about it. I know they will have the time of their lives and it will be a positive experience for them.
Still…I know I will be teary at the bus.
Wish me luck.
Some of us may even get the bonus of having the assistance from grandparents. As soon as she learnt about my vacation, she invited us to stay at her place.
My kids are still in school til next Tuesday!!!
And they’re all mine til August at which point they go to day camp for 2 weeks
How long are your guys gone for Vicky?
You’ve made me weepy and mine doesn’t go til august.