Summer is here, and our lawnmower just broke. Well, actually, it’s been on its last legswheels for several seasons now, but we’ve been cobbling it back together by hook or by crook (and even — in my desperation — by duct tape) for the last two or three summers.
She was a gallant fighter…been in the family for two generations…a loyal servant…
As you can see, her injuries were, finally fatal.
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to mow the lawn when the handles are all bendy at the bottom? Pretty tough, I’ll tell ya.
Anyway. We have decided to put the old girl to rest, and upgrade (downgrade?) to a new one of these:
By all accounts, they cut quite well and — biggest selling feature — they use that best and most renewable of all energy sources: good ol’ human muscle power.
I know, I know, the shine will wear off and we will be tired of generating all the power required to mow our large-ish suburban lawn, but we will always be able to sit back in smugness and assure ourselves that:
a) we are doing a good thing for the planet and our children who will inherit it by using not an ounce of oil, gas, coal or other dirty power to mow the admittedly environmentally unfriendly lawn and,
b) we are getting some exercise doing it!
Wish us luck.
Mr. husband got so fed up that he hired someone else to cut our grass!
i have the same one! it’s definitely a work out – good luck!
I can never start the $%#!& gas mower, so this one would be perfect for me! I don’t mind a little human muscle power to get the job done!