First of all, thank you to all for your helpful comments on how to stay better organized in 2010. I’ve tracked down Happeez products which stick to my stainless steel fridge. Not only do they make my fridge look a little friendlier, but I’ve been transferring all of our week’s activities to a weekly organizer each Sunday evening. Now every morning the kids can check the calendar to see what’s on, and ensure that they’ve got the right equipment/homework assignments/forms in their knapsack. I am very pleased to report that mornings are a little calmer and I’m making it to my bus on time semi-regularly!

Congratulations to the winner of the brand new Palm Pre, urbanmoms member Kristine from Toronto. Enjoy your new toy, Kristine! I hope you can pull yourself away from all the shiny fun games and use it to get your life a little more organized!
sadly, happeez is no longer sticking to my stainless steel fridge.
Not happy. (not your fault).
Mabye this story will inspire me to contact the company.
Congrats Kristine, great win. And to Jennifer, glad to see thinks are running more smoothly.
Congrats Kristine! Nice Win!