(My two are on the ends, with their older brother practicing in the background.)
Now that the fall sports season is underway, yet school hasn’t started, we are struggling with bedtimes for my boys (ages 8, 6, and 5). They are oh-so-tired after practices at night, yet they don’t have to get up in the morning, so I don’t mind allowing them to sleep in.
So for now, they are still hitting the hay at a later time than I’d like but we will certainly be re-negotiating once school starts. I dread having to wake them up for school in September!
Will/Do you have to wake your children up for school?
I have to wake my kiddos up for school at 6:45 – 7 am because I have to drive them to school.
I’m rethinking the time I’ve set for them as bed time and trying to move it forward due to their crabbiness!