OK I did it. I now have a Flickr account. I promise you I only learned how to download photos in 2009, but I have been “clicking” away on the camera for many years.
I’m one of “those moms”….who takes photos, goes to Costco to get them developed and puts them in an album. I might even label the photo and the album too. I am super efficient when it comes to my photos. Unlike other errands like grocery shopping. (why can I never remember to pick up milk).
I love my photos and I love to share them. So the Flickr account made sense.
I became snap happy when our son was born 14 years ago and my love for the camera grew, and grew and grew. My husband said the other day “why do you keep the camera in the car”? . I replied “I like to take photos and it’s good to have it handy.” No lie.
So I take photos of food, trees, snow, the sand, water, my kids, friends, and family,..with my simple digital camera. I love creating memories and would be a perfect candidate for scrapbooking but it has NO appeal to me whatsoever. As for albums, I’m pretty happy with my Signature photo albums from Blacks Camera. They are the only albums I buy as you can tell from the above photo.
I encourage all of you to find your camera and have fun. Worst comes to worse, you delete the photo!!
p.s you can see some of my photos on flickr…just search for “momwhoruns”.
p.s.s. notice the labels on the albums are slightly outdated. Told ya…I’m Not So Supermom. I only took a photo with the labelled albums, but there are 10 more unlabelled items. I guess I have to go buy more labels now. (along with the milk).
You certainly have some agreeable opinions and views. Your blog provides a fresh look at the subject.