As the ads say…”Let’s go to the Ex”.
I listened and I was there exactly when the gates opened at 10:00 a.m.
I was on a mission to E-A-T!! and guess what? Mission Accomplished.
I had been reading on twitter all week about (brace yourself) a new item offered by the Sweet Treats Truck...Deep Fried Butter.
Most people are grossed out by the idea but seeing as I am kinda of adventerous, I HAD to try it.
So by 10:02 a.m. I was at the booth and had placed my order.
Verdict: I was in love. The dough was perfect and the butter was perfect too.
Please note, that I only had two bites and threw the rest out so that my arteries
were not completely damaged by the experience.
As you can see from the photos…they have other options that are deep fried too. Something tells me, that Im not convincing you that this is a good reason to go to the Ex!!
Let’s move on, then! I went to the Food Court building and I was delighted to see HEALTHIER options. The Sushi Shop and Taquieria Burrito Bar.
Then I got distracted again, Pizza on A Stick and Deep Fried Macaroni.
HAD to try the deep fried Macaroni. It was well executed but needed hot sauce or ketchup.
After two hours of noshing, I was full and needed to work too. (small detail).
But on my way out…I received a tweet from @mommy_x that read:
“You are like CP24…you are everywhere”.
As I had been tweeting throughout the two hours I was eating.
Sure enough, the CP24 truck was RIGHT THERE and guess who was on the 1:00 p.m news?
The CNE takes place this year from Aug 20 to Sept. 5th.
For further info:
Happy Eating!!
Please consider that it is not just how few cabs and fats and how much lean protein you eat in order to become ‘stronger,’ but how many absorbable non-toxic vitamin and minerals are obtained from the protein or fats you would eat.
Nicki Minaj’s next single Right Thru Me really is a tremendous blessing! The hook is infectious and she proves that she still got it in the verses.
I prefer to look on the brighter side of things which I’m sure you can appreciate.
Excellent job.
I loved reading your tweets all morning, although they made me so hungry and disappointed in my healthy salad. I ended up ditching the salad and going out to the Fortino’s with my coworker and had the most amazing Roast Beef on Naan that I have ever had
Looking forward to trying out the Deep fried butter when we go to the Ex this weekend. I had the Deep Fried Mars bar at the Fergus Highland Games and it was truly decadent. We were good though it was shared between my hubby, our 8 yr old boy and me — there was no way in hell I was giving it to my almost 2 year old though– it would have been wasted.
We (again little one was left out on this) also tried Haggis links and Haggis Pie at the Fergus Highland games and it was Yummy (Smelled nasty though)
Here are some pics
Taqueria Burrito Bar is my place this year at the food building!
As for the fried butter… very disappointing!
omg. deep fried butter!
OH Vicky!!!
I loved following your tweets all day!!
Sounds delicious! I can never leave the EX until I have had the freshly made donuts. They are the best!
It was very exciting to see you on TV!!! Glad I could be of assistance!
Can’t wait to try the deep fried mac n’ cheese!
Good recap. I’m so curious about that deep-fried butter. Does it actually have the taste/mouth feel of butter, once you get past the batter? My wife swears she’s going to make it her mission to prevent me from trying it, but I might have to find a way to get a little sample.