I know, it has been forever, but you’ll have to forgive- it’s report card season and, for all you non-teachers, it’s the most hectic time in a teacher’s life. I have to prepare, with meaningful comments, over 90 report cards in about a week. And while it may seem that little to no thought goes into your child’s report, au contraire!
But this post isn’t to lament the crappiest part of my job, it’s to show you my little duck on Halloween! I know, it was forever ago! We let The Boy pick out his own costume this year and he chose a bright yellow duck, with orange and yellow leggings and, wait for it, a blue hoody underneath. Not sure why the hoody was a necessity, but he felt it was and far be it from me to ruin an 18 month old’s vision of what a duck costume should look like.
We (meaning my husband) also carved a killer pumpkin. Last year we had a puking pumpkin (yes, we’re all class) but this year we really went all out and had a large, mean pumpkin eating a tiny helpless baby pumpkin (again, with the class). It was great though and all the dads in the neighbourhood insisted on getting their picture taken with it.
And while trick or treating (or simply TREAT PEEEEEEEEEESE, as we called it) was awesome, nothing could beat the meltdown that occurred when he realized that the night of fun was over and the candy he collected wasn’t actually going to be his…
I can relate. I’m definitely not my kids favourite person when I confiscate the candy they worked so hard to collect.
Cutest little duck in all the world. Love the pumpkin – great job Dad. Great post Sarah.
Love the photos! The blue stripes obviously balance the yellow.
I’ve missed you! freaking report cards. SOOOOO cute!
What an adorable, squeezable duckie!
That pumpkin is really awsome, too 🙂
What a darling little duckie you’ve got!
And that is a most excellent pumpkin!! Well done Dad!