I didn’t appreciate a bath when I was in my teens. I certainly didn’t appreciate a bath when I was in my twenties.
However when I became a MOM…things changed.
I started to LOVE a bath. Crave a bath. I even looked forward to having a bath.
But the bath needed something. Plain water was just not going to do it for me. However when I went looking for a bath product, I knew I wasnt looking for Fa or Keri…I was looking for something fun.
Thats when I discovered Lush and their bath bombs.
I was also one of those moms who insisted (and I mean insisted) that my children had a bath every nite...No. Matter. What. There were occasions (many) that there was a bit of resistance, however, the bath bomb always did the trick and within seconds my resistant child was all of sudden VERY EAGER to take a bath.
Here’s what the Space Girl bath bomb looks like from Lush. Notice the gold glitter?
Here’s how happy the ducks were in the bath!!
If you are NOT luving a bath, then you have to check out the Karma Soap by Lush.
I like the soap so much that I also bought the Karma solid perfume to keep in my purse.
Do you remember the blog entry I did on AXE and how my son, stands infront of the display sniffing the different scents? Something tells me that he might have gotten his appreciation for scents from me!!
For further info about Lush products, check out www.lush.ca
Here’s to happy moms…clean children and bath bombs!!
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I wish I enjoyed baths more than I do…I get restless and am out withing 10 minutes!! Maybe one day…
Yo! Is it OK if I go a bit off topic? I’m trying to read your domain on my Mac but it doesn’t display properly, any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Chang
I loooooove baths. My new house has the crappiest bathtubs and it makes me want to move or call in Bath Fitters or something….
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