I am rolling up and NOT winning.
I am drinking coffee more than usual and STILL not winning.
I like winning. Don’t you?
I am aspiring to win ANYTHING..coffee, donut, cookie…doesn’t even need to be a big prize. I just want to WIN.
I am whining…I know!! But I want to win atleast once.
I follow twitter friends who post: Tim Hortons 12, Me 0.
I look forward to your roll up and win contest coz generally I WIN (something).
I have been a faithful fan for 14 years…Why can’t I win just one free coffee? that’s all I ask.
I have my kids roll up and win, in the event it will change my luck. (NOT).
I buy my coffee in different locations, in the event it will change my luck (NOT).
Thanks for reading my letter. Hope to hear from you soon.
Faithful Tim Hortons Customer
p.s anyone else feeling this way? Clearly I need words of encouragement!!
Britt, I feel I’m missing something. Do you refer to ‘cheating’ on your coffee provider with another brand? or are you hinting an interest in one of us…? Or perhaps you meant to post this on another (clearly more scintillating) blog??
I am a big advocate of having an affair, particularly with ashley madison, after all you only live once :-).
That is why statistics, odds, etc cannot be relied on. Somewhere out there is some lucky b*st*rd winning every time they play.
I’m 0 for 33 as of this afternoon. I’ve tried different locations, different sized cups, so much for 1 in 9. Thoroughly not impressed. The fact that I’ve almost beaten the odds by FOUR times, and going 33 cups without winning has a chance of 1 in 6561. Not sure how I managed to beat THOSE odds, and not the 1 in 9.
Hey Vicky,
I definitely feel your pain. We have a contest going on in our graduate office at school for the best ratio of Wins to Losses. As of right now I have 2 wins (1 coffee & 1 donut), but that came with 32 cups since the contest started (the first was after 16 cups). There are a few luckier ones, but there are also some worse than me. A couple of grad students haven’t won anything in 20 cups, and it took one poor guy 31 cups before the first one.
Just hang in there 🙂
Your first win will feel that much better when you get it.
All the best!!!
**btw… I have seen a trend with the size of the cup and the number of wins too. The majority of us in the losing group purchase Medium coffees, and most of the Wins have been with Large.
Da da da da daaaa….Just lovin it ! Woops …sorry ….wrong jingle !
As an actuary and one who is steeped in mathematical and statistical trivia – I have rolled up the rim – ten times. I have won 3 times. Hence – 30 % chance of winning 🙂
p.s. I still like Mickey-D’s jingle better !!!
Um, I also have not won. I purchased winning coffees for all my friends though! Haha!REally it’s not that funny. Still haven’t won one, myself. Think I will stick to my free one from McDonalds!
I’m sorry David, but that is top secret information. Not to mention highly incriminating. My suggestion to you all would be to expect nothing. Free coffee is like love. You can’t be looking if you want to find it. Unless you go to McDonalds.
Hi Domestic Goddess,
I feel your pain! I have been purchasing 2-3 cups per day since the beginning of the contest and have yet to win a prize. My spouse on the other hand has already won 4 times. Some people have all the luck!
Dear Domestic Goddess,
Our little Timbit elves caught your open letter to us at Tim Hortons. I’ll do my best to answer on behalf of everyone here.
That’s crummy that you haven’t hit a winning a cup yet. The odds are one in nine, so hopefully the wait is not much longer.
For every unlucky person who hasn’t won, there is someone like Nym (who posted a comment above) who wins several times. Maybe try Nym’s secret for success to change your luck (rolling rim with left hand, standing on right leg, facing south?).
Hang in there. Your ship will come in (or maybe a car!!).
Nym, any suggestions for Vicky? Anyone else with tips for winning?
David Morelli
Director, Public Affairs
Dear Domestic Goddess,
I totally empathize and appreciate how frustrated you must be. My heart goes out to you.! Has Tim Horton’s answered yet? You may want to think about a boycott if your luck doesn’t change soon.
My kids like to take turns for the honour of rolling up the rim to lose. I win several free coffees every year but invariably forget to use them. Plus I always feel a little gross handing in the ripped-off rim, since I use my teeth to unroll it.
Wasn’t it Country Style that ran a RUTR contest last year where you were guaranteed to win SOMETHING?