As you know, I have my name on a lot of email lists. Last year, I received an email announcing the opening of a Blo Blow Dry Bar and guess who just HAD to go test it out.
So off I went…curly hair and all.
I walked into a fabulous pink/white space and was greeted immediately. (I love happy staff, don’t you).
I asked if I could have my hair straightened and of course, the answer was “yes”.!! So off I went to a chair for a consult.
I was given a laminated HAIR MENU (how genius is that) and was able to choose from 7 styles. ..i.e razor-straight to executive sweet!!
I then had my hair washed, and straightened in about 30 minutes for about 30 dollars.
Blow is a Blow DRY Bar – which means, no cuts, and no colors.
Just WASH BLOW AND GO!! You should know that they are Canada’s ONLY Blow Dry Bar. Kewl eh?
I was given a bottle of water (again, with a lovely pink/white label that said “blo” on it) and relaxed as I had my hair straightened.
I left with a smile on my face of course my hair looked awesome.
I signed up on their facebook page ( and I follow them on twitter too ( They love social media as much as I do.
Here is the scoop about the contest. All you have to do is answer the following question:
Do you have curly hair and want straight hair? OR do you have straight hair and want curly hair? OR are you happy with the hair you have?
The winner will win a Blo gift card (on a cheeky pink post card of course), charged with TWO blo outs. Approximately a $65 value.
We can’t wait to blo you away!!!
P.S.For further info about Blo Blow Dry Bar…check out their website at
only members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign in. Not a member yet? Click
here to join!
Click here for contest Rules and Regulations.
never losing fat as long as nursing? I have on learned, numerous times, that Women who breastfeed seem To lose The pregnancy weight quicker and simpler than those people who don’t nurse. I have on had numerous colleagues tell that after The first some months as to nursing they never only lost The pregnancy weight, but often a slight amount as to weight they put it going on pre-pregnancy. My son (who is 6 months old) nurses During the day each 2-3 hours as well as normally wakes up Now that in the time of the evening. (He i has sleeping through, rather it seems he is starting a business a change spurt and teething). I allow a in truth stubborn 30lbs which won’t budge – I gained a entire as for only over 40bs across out. I have tracked my calorie intake as well as I’m faced with to in usual 1800 calories a day. I Test how to be active and went it’s a decent enough day I stroll as at least a few or many minutes – went it’s never nice enough To get out Next I attain stuff past the home. This extra weight turn me very comfortless (both mentally and physically) and also I want how to get rid as to this on a healthy way while continuing how to nurse my son.
hi, i am 13 & i hate the way my hair is now..
it’s black(natural) & it’s thick! real thick! i don’t like it at all.
i have this little piece of wave on my bangs & i can’t stand it! i tried straightening it with a straightner & i doesn’t work. what else can i do?
I have wavy frizzy hair and I would love straight smooth hair.
I have extremely thick black hair. I went through a phase where I had curl envy and decided that I needed curly hair. I got a perm. Now I just want my straight hair back. Unfortunately it takes forever to straighten my hair as I have LOTS of hair and lots of curls. HELP ME PLEASE
OOOOOOOOH what a neat concept this Blo Dry Bar is. I’d love to try all the styles, but first I’d try Sex, Hugs and Rock & Roll!
I can’t wait to try this place out no matter what, it’s so reasonable and it’s neat to get your hair styled so quick and easy!
My hair is flat and boring. I’d love to see it blown straight and shiny. What a nice treat that would be.
I have frizzy hair and would love a smooth sleek look.
I have straight hair, but would just like a nice blo out with lots of body!
I have wavy hair and love to have it either curly or straightened (but both take a long time to do!) This would be such a great prize!
I have long curly hair, but not curly enough – kind of messy curls. I have always wanted a gorgeous wavy look for special occasions and just can’t figure out how to do that myself. Arghhh!!!!
My hair is flat..flat…flat
Hi Vicky, my hair has some natural wave in it but I prefer a smooth, blow out look. Without blow drying my hair, it tends to get frizzy and unkempt!
I have fine, wavy blonde hair. I wonder how much longer it would appear without the waves by being blow dried? I am sitting on it right now!
Hello 🙂 This is my first post!
I have a weird combination to my hair. The top tends to be straight, the middle is wavy, and the bottom has curls. It’s like a three-in-one! However, I would love to have straight hair.
Hello … Great contest. I have curly frizzy wavy hair and would love to blow dry it straight :O)
I have extremely coarse -wavy hair.I have yet to find a good stlye for my hair.
My hair has its own personality.
I t would be great if i could have my hair go super straight and feel silky at least fo one day.
I have straight hair and do not mind it at all! Easy to take care of.
That’s interesting. I’m glad you had a great time there. Which one did you go to? I took my 6 year year old to the one at yonge and Eglinton and we did NOT receive the nice treatment you did! No bottle of water and lots of disorganization and ill preparation of a child. They had her sit on a pillow that was not high enough and didn’t even have proper towels, just fancy paper towels.
The salon in your picture is also much nicer. I’d like to give them another try, but at another location. They really should cater to children in a more “gimicke” way….make it fun and special for them. How “bout a lollipop?
I have fine, wavy blonde hair. I wonder how much longer it would appear without the waves by being blow dried? I am sitting on it right now!
I have straight boring hair and would love some curls
I have thick, curly hair, If I blow dry my hair it becomes frizzy. I wish I had straight hair. I love when I go to the salons and they blow it dry, and style it. It’s a big treat! Thank you!!!
My hair is pretty straight, but I love using a straightener get out any waves to give it a very smoth, polished and perfectly groomed look. Thanks!
I have tried my whole life to give my straight fine hair a curl… bad Toni home perms in the teen years, expensive salon perms in the university days and finally I gave in an learned to like (not love) my straight hair in my twenties. Now I cherish the days I get my hair cut as it never ever looks as lovely and full of body as the day someone else blows it dry…. I’d love to be able to get someone do it for me!
I haven’t been able to log in for weeks – I get this message – ” This account has been disabled. Please see your system administrator for access.” I have emailed urban moms a couple of times and no one has responded. Help please!!
i have semi curly hair. when it’s humid it curls and in the winter it goes sraight
I have thick, wavy, but straight hair with a mind of its own! I never ever blow dry my hair because it takes time and always makes my thick hair very full. I do appreciate when I go to the salon and they blow it dry and style it. I think this is a great prize because not only do you get a break, and some well deserved time to yourself you end up leaving and feeling good about yourself. Sounds like a great place to try out!
My hair is curly and frizzy at times – I would love to get it straightened!
I have straight hair with a touch of wave in it but would love to have it blown out with gorgeous big wavy curls. Have never managed that on my own
I have wavy hair and love it but want it to be fuller.
Oh My Goodness, if there ever was a contest for me, it’s this one…my hair used to be bone straight til I was pregnant with my second child, and then it went curly…as in Curly Sue curly, and I HATE IT…i have been recently thinking of going to a salon to get it permanently straightened, because I hate this hair…and if it’s hot or humid or rainy, the curls get frizzy…a blow out would be PERFECT!!
My hair looks great in the morning…for about ten minutes. Then it gets frizzy. I’d love to have my hair straightened, so that it looks good all day!
i have the frizzies so a blo dryer is awesome!
I have straight hair but since I dye it find it very dry and lifeless. I think a blo dryer would give it more life.
I am learning to be happy with my curly hair. I had bone-straight hair until I turned 30, so have spent the last 10 years coming to terms with my new curly – and grey – hair.
I starighten my wavy hair, and I would love for someone else to do it for me!!
Who wouldn’t?
Thanks for a great contest.
I wish my hair had more body. It is pretty straight already but I have a little cowlick that gives me a hard time when I want to straighten really flat. It never looks the same after you leave the stylist!
I have curly hair but wear it straight about 95% of the time. I do wish I could get it to look as good as when it is straightened by a hairstylist.
I’m lucky since I have wavy hair, I can wear it curly or straight, although since I am lazy, I rarely even wear it down these days. I would love to win this prize since some days I’m even too lazy to blow-dry my hair!
Once upon a time I had naturally wavy hair – no friz, just beautiful waves. I could wash and go without any product at all…. Enter 3 kids …. as I ushered in each child, I gradually said goodbye to volume and texture! Now my beautiful waves have turned to thin frizzy hair that must be straightened – which takes lots of time, energy and product… Ummm, while I’m at it…. is there also a “Goodbye-stretch mark Bar”?
I have the straightest hair and it is also going grey. My young co-workker asked me where I went for my highlights! I would love this prize to have a chance at curly hair. Thanks Urban Moms.
i have ringlets, supposedly a coveted curl, but for most of my like i wanted it straight. now, twenty-something years later, i have finally fully embraced my ginger curls. somewhat related to that, i’ve also just realized i love my freckles!
i do love a good blow out every once and a while, and this is a marvelous service. would love to try it out!
I’ve only gotten curly hair in the last few years. Personally, I love the wash and no fuss concept, but my son keeps telling me my hair is too curly and I should get it straightened. Would be cool to get pampered and have someone straighten it for me to give me a different look!
I try to straighten my hair using products and irons. Therefore, straight hair would be my wish. I have just enough curl to be annoying.
I have wavy hair, but can straighten it (but not as good as the hair stylist) – would love tips on how to do so and time away from kids to myself.
I have wavy hair that is easy to take care of that I love! But it is fun to get it blowed dry straight for a change 🙂
I have straight hair that’s gone frizzy after having my babies. I’d love it to be silky straight or wildly curly… in between is not so nice!
My hair has a slight curl and I’m very happy with the hair I have. When I was younger, I wanted more curl and either permed it or used a curling iron on to make it curlier. Now, I just shampoo, condition and let it dry naturally and I think it looks great.
I have wavy hair but I want straight hair!
I have think ‘skinny’ hair & would love to have it fuller. My daughter loves to straighten her hair…
schzaree March 24, 2010 11:10 am
I have curly hair and I would love to have my hair straightened. I am always willing to try a new hair style or look. My daughter and I do each others hair and make up. She is 11. We always have fun!
I have curly hair and finally learned to love it after 30 years however I never pass up an opportunity to get it straightened!
I have very thick wavy hair and would love someone else to straighten it for me, I don’t have the patience.
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I have straighthair, don’t mind it for everyday look but it’d be fun to have some curls for parties/ events
I have straighthair, don’t mind it for everyday look but it’d be fun to have some curls for parties/ events
I have both and neither, it drives me nuts…. curly under and flat on top!! I like both but “not ” together!!
I don’t really pay much attention to my hair. It generally does what it wants on a daily basis. Overall, I’d say it’s wavy. If I want a special look, I go to a hairdresser and have them either make it curly or straighten it depending on the event I want it done for.
i have dry hair and want silky hair
I have naturally wavy hair – the exact opposite of my daughter’s! I can straighten it myself, but it takes 45 minutes and it’s curly again by mid-day. I just want it straight, even if it is for a short time. It looks great straight – I just don’t have the time or the patience to do it often.
I have dark very thick natural curly hair and yes some day it would be great to see what straight hair would look like on me,,,my hair was quite long when I was younger and I have tried very short hair,,now it is mid length and some day the curls really make me mad,,
I have naturally wavy hair. Lately, it is up in a ponytail. I have to admit though when I have the time to straighten it it does look pretty good.
Wow. Straightening my curly hair is a treat for me, because it’s so much work! $30 is a great price to pay for a little treat like that.
I guess I’m lucky. I have some natural curl in my hair, but depending on what I do with it, I can wear it wavy, a bit curly or completely straight with no problem, it just depends on how I dry it.
I have fine poker straight hair and have been perming it for over 30 years. I like the wash and wear style for the low maintenance. I wish I could find a short straight style that I liked on myself but that hasn’t happened yet, so I keep on getting it curled!
My hair is stick-straight, and I used to envy the wonderful curls. Now, I enjoy the natural character of my hair, and just blow dry for flattering waves.
after i had kids it got wavier and i am so grateful to have the option of going curly or straight. i just don’t have the time to do it either way as i have so much hair so it usually ends up ponytailed!
I have straight hair that I am mostly happy with. For special occasions, though, and occasionally when I’m just bored, I wish for curly hair!
I have long straight hair, it’s always been poker straight and it’s easy to take care of that way. I’m busy and active in sports so I like to wash ‘n wear, and up in a pony tail it goes!
I have very thick frizzy hair and i like it to be poker straight!
This place sounds fabulous! My hair is straight but with a slight wave to it. I’d like that wave to either look nicer or have it straightened right out!
Their “the smoothie” smoothing cream looks like just the product I need along with the “knockout” ultimate shine spray to make my dull hair sexy! Wish they were a tad bit closer because I would run there right now!
I have thick, slick, straight Asian hair and would love to see if they could give me body, movement and maybe some sort of “just swam in the Pacific” toussled look!
I have thick hair that is unruly so i like it to be straight and shiny.
I have curly hair that has a mind of it’s own.
I have thick hair that is more curly than staight and tends to be unruly. It also tends to be dry and frizzy so I use a flat iron to remove the frizzies and then it looks too flat. I look better with straight hair but don’t like the way it lays so flat on top. I have to work on that. 🙂
I have wavy hair but love the look of straight with my straightener…I’m lucky to have the best of both worlds…just depends on what mood I’m in…:D
Humm, interesting name… I always dreamt of having curly hair, to escape from my straight and flat ones. Maybe this is the opportunity….
Curly or straight, I’d love to have someone else do my hair a few times. Three kids keep me pretty busy and some days I’d like to forget about the pony tail and be pampered for even a few minutes.
Humm, interesting name… I always dreamt of having curly hair, to escape from my straight and flat ones. Maybe this is the opportunity….
I have Red curly thick hair and I’ve tried almost every product to get nice curls without the frizz but I’ve since given up and prefer to wear my hair straight. My husband thinks I look better with straight hair so that’s an added bonus. I would probably like to wear my hair both ways if I could find a great product that works for curly hair……For now, I’m forever straight…………….
I have very straight hair that just got cut short i would love to have my hair curly, when i was little it was always curly but as u get older i guess the curls go away 🙁
My hair is curly and very fine, and has a tendancy to frizz. Besides colouring it, I have natural red highlights which adds to the dryness. Would love to keep the curliness, and make it more defined. FRIZZINESS IS OUT!! 🙂
I am a straight haired gal who would LOVE naturally curly hair. In my fantasies, I have copper coloured curls that bounce in a sexy way. Whenever I’ve had my hair permed, it’s silver and dark brown, and the curls don’t do anything sexy at all.
I love my fantasies!!
Ok, I admit it, I would love to have curly hair instead of my straight hair. C’est la vie though!
I would love a bit of curl or wave to my straight hair.
I have always wanted to have just a bit of curl as I have very straight hair.
I straighten my hair mostly to control it. I wouldn’t mind my waves if they were a little tamer. I do love the salon-straightened look though.
I have wavy blonde hair but what I don’t have is the time or skill to style it the way I want!
I really want to have some shiny, bodacious hair that I can flip around under the sun.
I have thin, wavy hair and would love to have straight, non-frizzy hair.
I have fine curly hair that can take the prize for frizz. I love to wear it straight.
I have straight and fine hair – would love to have more wave and thicker hair!
I have straight hair and would like hair with more volume.
The link posted above, takes you to a porn site.
The correct address is
I have straight hair and I love it!
I’m a combo – poker straight in the back, and wavy in the front and sides. The easiest way to make it look half-decent is the straighten the front and sides, but I never seem to get it to look like the professionals!
Vicki, I think you should check that link. I don’t think it is the right one.
I have short natural curly hair and I like it that way. Easy to take care of. I didn’t always appreciate my hair but now that I am older I do.
Straightening curly, frizzy hair can certainly seem like a workout! I myself have been straightening my curls for nearly 8 years, and I can tell you, it does get easier with practice,but my hair is also very fine and damages very easily so straightening it with heat