The front page of the zoo guide featured frolicking baby polar bears, they looked adorable but I can’t tell you for sure because we never saw them.
My friend and I took our little Russian bff’s to the zoo for the first time a few days ago. We are both new moms to toddlers and have found it best to let our play dates unfold rather then trying to have much of an agenda. This turns out to be a very good attitude for a toddler day trip to the zoo. It was freezing so we required a lot of layers for them and us plus blankets and diaper bags, cameras, snacks, sippy cups and all the other necessities.
By the time we got to the gate we were chilled but optimistic but by the time we made it uphill to the first indoor Pavillian we were ready to unpack, unload, ditch the strollers and the layers and PLAY.
So that’s what we did. We found so much in this tropical rainforest climate that we saw no need to venture any further. We never made it back outside to the Polar Bears or any outdoor exhibits. We did visit hippos, chimpanzees, crocodiles, fish, wart hogs, gorillas and many other furry friends. Roman however prefers kitty cats and greeted each new animal we encountered with a “meow”? I had to break the news that no, this animal swimming in the water is not another variety of cat but a hippo and then he lost interest and moved on to far more exciting things.
What is more exciting then a hippo?
The cracks in the floorboard over the hippos. Roman and Anastasia had a grand time laying on their tummies peering through the boards.
Hanging on the railings… endless fun
Stairs. Up and down they went. On their feet, on their knees with varying speeds and positions.
The most joy for Roman came from the plastic curtain by the doors. Roman showed Anastasia how to use them like a performer hiding behind the theatre curtain. He would then throw upon the plastic curtain and come running out squealing with excitement.
Puddles. This may have been Roman’s first experience with a shallow puddle of water that he could tap dance in. He was the Fred Astaire of the primate section.
Log benches. You can sit on them, crawl under them, stand of them with some help from mommy, peer over the back of them and play peek a boo. Fantastic.
Oh and we saw some animals too…
But the best moment for us Mama’s was this one.
THE CUTENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!