I bought a book at Indigo recently called “The Book of Awesome” by Neil Pasricha. It appealed to me, coz sometimes things don’t go your way and it’s a nice reminder that there’s lots of stuff in life that’s truly AWESOME.
The book is based on a website called “www.1000awesomethings.com”.
Here is “My List” of what I consider to be “AWESOME”.
A warm bath: you know that feeling when you first enter a bath. AWESOME
When you are on-time: Does this sound familiar? you are driving to pick up your kids and you constantly look at the clock and you are SO sure you are going to be late, but alas…you get there right on time.
Going to a matinee: the ulimate treat. Especially during a snow storm or thunderstorm.
Winning: I love wining free stuff. Are you listening, Tim Hortons?. When you roll up and win…isn’t it AWESOME?
You walk into a store like Anthropologie and it smells so wonderful. AWESOME
When the weatherman is wrong: The prediction is for overcast and yet you open the curtains in the morning and it’s a beautiful sunny day. AWESOME.
You want to catch an earlier flight so you go on stand by, and when your name is called, that is AWESOME.
You go to Costco and there are no line-ups. AWESOME
Even better: You go to the Pediatricians’ office and there’s no one in the waiting room. BEYOND AWESOME
Your kids’ try a new food and they like it. AWESOME.
You need a doctors appt. or a dentist appt. and the receptionist gives you an appointment that is not six months away. AWESOME.
You drop your MacBook or iPhone and it still works. AWESOME.
A friend brings you a cup of coffee to your house when you have a cold. AWESOME
If you want to help me add more…please feel free to comment!! I would be interested to know what’s on YOUR list of AWESOME.
Plus if you are looking for a book this summer that’s not your typical type of book…then I highly suggest “The Book of Awesome”.
Have an AWESOME day!!
That was certainly an interesting read.. Our niece had told us of similar accounts, I will be sure to send this on to her.