Yes, it’s sad but true: when I weighed in at Weight Watchers on Saturday morning, I had actually put on 0.2 pounds. Argh. But, actually: whatever. I’ve still lost nearly 9 pounds over three weeks, and any way you slice it, that’s not too bad. So I chose to take the long view, and I didn’t let the 0.2 get me down. After all, that’s only two-tenths of a pound, which — let’s face it — you could probably lose after a big pee. Basically, I see it as having remained at a stable weight, which admittedly isn’t my real goal, but on the other hand, isn’t as bad as gaining. And by gaining, I mean more than mere tenths.
At first, though, I wasn’t exactly sure why. I mean, I should have continued to lose weight, by rights. I had followed the program, after all, hadn’t I? Well actually, had I? Really? One hundred percent?
Well…no. When I look back over the week, if I am truly honest with myself, I will admit that I didn’t adhere quite as well to the Weight Watchers program as I might have. And there’s not really a good excuse for it, either. The program is quite simple and easy to follow. You’re never really hungry and you get to eat a wide variety of foods. And if you look only at my tracker (the little book you journal what you eat in) you’d think I had been a very good girl, indeed. The thing is; if you read between the lines, you’ll see I had a lot of BLTs last week.
No, not bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. (I only WISH!). No, this kind of BLT is a Weight Watchers-ism. It stands for Bites, Licks and Tastes. And although it sounds all OCD and crazy, you really can rack up a lot of calories in these otherwise innocent-seeming morsels. Because, let’s be honest: I’m not just finishing off the kids’ cucumber-ends and apple skins here. I’m talking about stuff like just one chip from the bowl of nachos, the last bite of a decadent chocolate chip cookie, a few licks of the DQ ice cream cones…add it up, and it might just go a ways towards explaining my recent, er, non-loss of weight.
Which is all well and good. I’m not saying I’ll never eat a bite of cookie dough or lick my kids’ dripping ice cream cones again, I’ll just make sure I’m aware that I’m doing it, and that I’m taking it into account. This week, to keep it simple, I’ve steered clear of the BLTs, and I’m keeping my tracker honest. I’m feeling good and I’m optimistic about Saturday’s weigh-in. Hopefully by then I’ll have shed that 0.2 and thrown a few more tenths of a pound after it, too.
That is so true, Kath. Those little nibbles really add up!