I will admit, that I have my name on a a lot of email lists….and as a result I receive invitations to attend fun events, sample sales, lectures, parties etc. I don’t attend everything however I will go to events that interest me.
For example: a beer tasting indeed interests me. Strange – but true.
Here is a brief history of my relationship with beer: I never touched beer till I was 25. I didn’t even see a bottle of beer while attending university and living in a dorm for 4 years. I certainly am making up for lost time!! I now LOVE beer. I go to the Beer Festival here in Toronto every year, and I even went to the Beer Festival in Montreal. So clearly…I like the stuff.
The other nite, there was a tasting of 5 American beers vs. 5 Canadian beers. It was held at C’est What, a local downtown restaurant in Toronto known for serving microbreweries.
For $20, I would receive ten, four ounce samples. I would receive a piece of paper and a pencil and I would have to rate the beers….flavor, aroma, likeability, looks and finish. I actually had to DRINK and THINK!! (not an easy accomplishment).
What’s funny is..I can’t drink a lot. I’m always giving away my beer tickets and the other nite was no exception. I left after 8 samples. There was just no way I could take another sip. I will further admit, to not even finishing all 4 oz’s. I would just took a sip. Pathetic. I know. (see the photo for proof of my unfinished drinks)
After the event…I was craving Poutine. That’s a whole other story though. Stay tuned.
Charity covers a multitude of sins.
So what were the best of the beers you tasted?