Brinley won’t wear shoes.
Like, ever. She FREAKS out when I put them on her and then just rips them off.
She hates socks too. The only way I can keep her toes covered is by putting tights on her so she can’t tear them off. It’s a bit of a problem since we live in Canada and it’s cold and snowy here in the winter and bare feet aren’t really ideal in this climate.
Someone should invent tights that have shoes built in.
Did your kids loathe shoes? Or am I the only one with a barefoot hobo baby who screams when I try to cover her tootsies?
This is not uncommon. Kids use toes for balance and grip in a more conscious way than we do. Their toes work better. :>
But also, keep an eye out for other sensory issues. My son used to scream if we tried to get him new shoes..and took his boots off in the snow etc. To make a long story short, he was eventually diagnosed hypersensitive – SPD.. look into it and look for a checklist and watch your child. Trust me – I wish I had known then what I know now. Once you are sure that is what it is, a lot falls into place. That is not to say things change overnight. It can take years to desensitize to a ‘normal’ that you feel is normal.. we still eat hardly any food around here. He stopped eating most things long after he ate nearly anything. i.e. He ate everything under the sun until 14 months and then almost nothing by 18months. Now he is 8.5 and still eats perhaps 20 things in the world, period. It’s a challenge, especially at his size (99.9 percentile in height, to keep his weight up and metabolism even)
Stick with Robeez or leather footed socks for now, if you can, moccasins etc.. anything to desensitize her feet. Also google ‘soft clothes’ for special socks that are seamless, as it might help.
Good luck/Bonne Chance
I thought we were the only parents walking around town with a shoeless child, lol! Our daughter refuses to wear shoes of any kind. Now that boot season is upon us, my husband and I went out and bought the snuggest boot we could find….she’s only managed to rip them 15 times so far, lol!
When she was very small, I said, “No socks? No cookies.” She likes sugar. We don’t have problems with socks anymore. 😉
LOL I could have written most of this post myself, only my boys don’t wear tights so there is NO option for keeping socks and shoes on their feet. I thought as they got older it would get easier but Lil Man is going on five and I still can’t keep socks and shoes on his cute little toes.
i duct taped mittens on my oldest when she was a baby…is that bad?