Well despite everything Thatcher and Tanner are totally thriving! We have hit a few milestones that although they are exciting they are also a bit scary!

The other night Joshua called me on my cell phone in a panic because apparently he and the siblings he was watching heard noised coming from upstairs and then the radio in my room started blasting. They of course paniced and thought there was a “bad” guy in the house but where in for a shock when a few minutes later Thatcher came down the stairs deciding to join everyone!
This is a first for me as none of my other children had the desire of motor skills to perform such a feat. Tanner of course was mad that Thacther escaped the wrath of the crib and was screaming because he couldn’t get out. LOL
The other milestone they have achieved is the art of playing hockey – yep check out this video of my little guys playing with their older brothers:
I wonder if this means some future hockey players in the making? Oh well they are so cute!
What milestones were your favourite or the most worrisome?
Until next time,
i’m not there yet….it’s when they’re teenagers!