You know, like the Robert Burns poem? The best laid plans of mice and men gang oft agley…
Well, my plans to get my workout in yesterday morning gang very definitely agley. First off, the Hubster’s car had to go into the dealer for repairs, so he had to take my van to work; but he doesn’t leave ’til 1pm so no bigs, really, still plenty of time to get to the gym, right? Under normal circumstances, yes. But yesterday was no normal day. I got a call from the Doctor’s office asking to speak to my youngest daughter:
"Ahh…she’s four-and-a-half, are you sure you want to talk to her?"
They didn’t, actually. So they spoke to me. Test results back. Infection. Doctor wants to see her. Bring her here NOW!
I didn’t exactly freak out. See, I already knew she had had an infection. Yes, two hads. As in, had, but no longer has. She was in the office two weeks ago Saturday, with a raging fever. Antibiotics were prescribed and taken. Now, 10 days later, I’m getting a call advising me that she has an infection? But anyway, in we went. It’s all good.
Okay, home now. It’s only 11:00 now. Still enough time (just) to go to the gym.
Ah, yeah. You know I have two kids, right?
I get home from the Doctor’s office (it’s close to home, so we walked) and there is no sign of the Hubster. Turns out he took a call from the school asking him to please come over and pick up his sick daughter.
Sigh. There go any plans I may have had to hit the gym.
But do not despair! All is not lost! 99% of my workout can be done at home. I have not one but two fit balls! And barbells, and tubing, and a coffee table that works admirably as a bench. I can do this!!!
But I didn’t actually do it though. A bunch of things got in my way. Kids. Dishes. Laundry. Phone calls. Before I knew it, it was 9:30 and I couldn’t keep my eyes open, never mind change into workout clothes and find my fit ball & tubing.
So tonight, I have to do this workout. ‘Cause tomorrow is Yoga, then the weekend is full, and then it’ll be time to meet with Shaun (my trainer) again, and I won’t have done ANYTHING!
Okay? So this time tomorrow, I should be posting about how sore I am from this afternoon’s workout. Right? Yes.
See you then.
I met a teeny tiny woman on the weekend who works out like a fiend for “maitenance.” She said that she doesn’t let anything interfere with her workouts…”mommy really needs them”. I’d rather be lumpy and let life happen once in awhile.
oh i know that feeling kath! somehow something always gets in the way. that’s great that you have the equipment at home to do some of your workout. hope your daughter is okay, and that you get some much-needed time to yourself.