I had a feeling that on Sunday it would be hot and muggy and I would NOT want to work-out.
This means that I would have the opportunity to do THREE activities that I really wanted to do. So I did them. (does this suprise you?)
a) Visit the Cutting Veg Farm.
I don’t know who introduced me to this website (www.thecuttingveg.com)
but I wish I could remember so I could say thank you. I know that after reading this website I signed up to receive the newsletter and I gotta tell you, I love reading the updates. But I always wanted to visit the farm. TODAY WAS THE DAY.
The farm is a quick 25 minute drive from my house. I swear, it’s that close. I was greeted by Daniel Hoffman (the brains and brawn behind the farm) who informed me that I was right on time for a tour. We walked thru various crops and it was awesome to learn about the farm, what is growing, what will be growing, what needs to be weeded, thinned etc. I noshed on a purple green bean or two and was “wowed” by the freshness.
I found out that they harvested 15,000 types of garlic bulbs this year and that there’s more than just one variety of garlic. The Cutting Veg farm actually grows over a dozen varieties including Persian, Israeli, German, Salt Spring Island, Korean, and Italian plus more.
I was really happy that I went. But my goal is to take a few kids and actually volunteer one Sunday. If you too are interested in volunteering, visiting, becoming a member or ordering garlic…please visit the website. (www.cuttingveg.com)
B) The Evergreen Brickworks – The Wild Blueberry Festival.
I am embarrassed to say this – but I had never been to the Evergreen Brickworks before.
Can you believe? Someone wrote to me on twitter – “how unfoodie of you”. I laughed.
What a great space and what an awesome wild blueberry festival.
Lots of vendors, lots of happy families, lots of activities, and great music too.
I took an Evegreen Brickworks brochure to look at, and I know that I will be returning.
Here’s a link to their website…ebw.evergreen.ca.
C) The Conscious Food Festival – Fort York
This was a new festival so naturally I had to go!! Plus I won tickets from @Spotlightcity so that was an added bonus. It was small but that’s ok…it was their first year.
My daughter loved the kids activities and I loved being outdoors surrounded by great food and drink.
What a great Sunday.
Why in the hell do we make it easy for the UN to stay in UN and support it? Kick it! And, the applause for the fanatic should make it Far more essential that there be no mosque at Ground Zero.