I know a few people who have had this dilemma. What do you do with unwanted iPhones? We try to reuse them within our family...hand-me-downs are the best! We definitely don't want to throw them away as we are already aware of electronic waste, right? This week, Apple Canada announced the iPhone … [Read more...]
How beauty is not wasted & some DIY fun!
I was at a great event yesterday that was held at the Canadian head office for TerraCycle - a company that is passionate about "eliminating the idea of waste". Everything at the office from doors, chairs, decor was made either by repurposed or upcycled or recycled materials. It's urban, cool and … [Read more...]
Wondering what to do with the e-waste?
I've got an old laptop that was handed down by a neighbour who thought it would be perfect for my son to use for his homework. It's possibly 10 years old. It's heavy and it's S.L.O.W. We graciously accepted the offer as it was perfect first laptop for him. Then other people started offering their … [Read more...]