I heart Valentine's Day! Okay, it's really a guilt free day of indulging with those you love right? But no pressure, really. I don't expect to be showered by expensive gifts. Hey, I've been with my honey since 1986 and I'm grateful for everyday that he's stuck with my antics! (Yes, we were really, … [Read more...]
Obsession: Macarons
A few weeks ago I received an email from the Macaron Day organizers asking if I would be interested in being one of the Official Ambassadors to this very special day in support of the Red Door Family Shelter. Apparently they have been following me for a while on Twitter and have noticed my … [Read more...]
It was a good day.
Despite the weather and the crazy slushy crap that fell out of the sky all night and me having to shovel the heavy, wet snow, today was a good day. It started off at 4:00 a.m. yep. with little guy talking in his sleep and hubby coughing. Awesome. But I've learned to not fight it. I always figure … [Read more...]