I suck at cleaning.
While I appreciate a clean house, I have yet to master the art of maintaining one. That being said, when spring comes along and the sunlight begins to stream through the windows and the kids start playing outside again, I usually get hit with a (short-lived) desire to tackle some spring cleaning projects. For a few days, I am a MACHINE. I will purge closets, wash windows, organize spice drawers and basically clean the way most civilized adults do for the rest of the year.
This year, the cleaning spurt hit just as I was given a sample of Clorox Clean-Up spray to test out and it came in a brand new bottle exclusive to Clorox that uses Smart Tube® Technology.

You know how usually when you come to the end of a bottle of cleaning product, it’s impossible to spritz the last of the the cleaner out? If you’re me, you just have 13 bottles with 2 cm of product left in their bottoms lining your cleaning closet. I never know what to do with them! But this new technology is awesome. See how it works:
It gets every last drop out so there is no waste, no mess and more value overall. For this cleaning-challenged girl, it’s a win-win.
Here’s a link to some coupons so you can test out the technology for yourself!
Clorox is also offering one of our own UrbanMoms members a chance to win a Clorox Spring Cleaning prize pack, featuring a selection of the latest product innovations from Clorox including its new SMART TUBE® Technology bottles. For a chance to win just comment below and tell me what your least favourite spring cleaning job is!
Valued at approximately $200, the prize pack has everything you need to give your home a spring makeover!
Each prize pack includes:
Each prize pack includes:
*A years supply of Clorox cleaning products including Clorox All-Purpose Cleaner,
Tilex Fresh Shower Daily Cleaner, New Clorox concentrated bleach and more!
*All-purpose cleaning cloths and sponges
*Tile brush
*Latex cleaning gloves
*Bathroom squeegee
*Window chamease
*Dish wand
*A basket to hold all your cleaning supplies
*$100 LIfe Experiences gift card
Contest closes May 6th, 2013
Click here for Contest Rules and Regulations.UrbanMoms.ca members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in.
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Least favourite would have to be cleaning the bathrooms, but really, it all ranks pretty high up there on the list.
bathrooms for sure.
It has to be cleaning the glass on the doors!
My least favourite job is cleaning the glass on the sliding doors!
the lowest on my list and least favorite to clean is the bathroom.
Washing the windows
Cleaning our shower glass is a HUGE pain! We do a real through cleaning each season and it’s a really tough job. I dread it and it’s not fun.
I wouldn’t miss cleaning the bathroom!
I hate cleaning the windows.
Cleaning all the insides of the cupboards, so time consuming and so much bending
I hate cleaning the windows and blinds!
I hate doing the closets and switching out the clothing(winter for summer) plus all of the footwear changes.
I hate cleaning the bathrooms…would be ok if it was my mess…..
Getting my husband to get rid of his stuff is very hard
The bathroom, especially the toilets.
Clearing the clutter is my biggest challenge.
Light fixtures.
I hate spring cleaning in general because of all the decluttering of clothes and toys i have to do (and of course the kids try to not let me get rid of anything!!) but the worse thing of spring cleaning is the walls, ceilings and blinds…
Washing the mini-blinds.
Cleaning windows!
I’m not overly joyed to clean anything ever, but my least favourite is the spaces in between the window and the screen. I can never clean the corners perfectly.
Cleaning all of the blinds and windows (outside)…ugh
Cleaning the bathroom
Cleaning out the cupboards and wiping them down and washing all the doors, who knew there could be so many?
Washing walls!
My least favourite cleaning is the fridge. I just hate it, the greenery gets stuck, the milk drops gone bad I have to scrape off. There always seems to be a cracked egg mess that sticks to the bottom of my egg carton I have to scrape that off too. Having to empty everything out, and I never seem to get the compartments back where they need to be.
I hate dusting. It seems so pointless.
My least favorite spring time clean up is washing the windows in my house
Always, cleaning the outside windows
My favourite spring clean up is the outdoor landscaping.
I think its never ending so I do a little every day. I like tidying up and organizing and sweeping is my favourite thing.
Toilets are what I dislike the most. I never feel it’s clean.
i really dont like cleaning toilets
i hate cleaning bathrooms
clearing out the clutter from the whole house
Cleaning out my bedroom closet and dressers.
Windows — inside and out
My least favourite spring cleaning task is washing windows.
I REALLY don’t like cleaning windows. I hate climbing ladders, but when the Spring sun starts shining in, I feel obligated 🙁
windows, gotta be the windows
I dislike cleaning my kitchen floor and cupboards
I don’t like any of it, but doing the windows is my least favorite.
Every Spring I dread cleaning the outside window wells which are usually full of dead bugs, spiders, cocoons, flies and sometimes even crusted remains of frogs and other yucky crud. It’s just gross.
My least favourite job is cleaning the closets. Particularly my own.
I hate washing walls and ceilings!!
My bathroom
My least favourite spring cleaning job is washing windows. Ugh.
My least favourite cleaning job is the windows and doors.
blinds & ceiling fans are a pain to clean
Washing walls!!
I am not always a fan of cleaning the bathroom. But to make it more enjoyable is to put on some music and that makes it a little bit better.
I hate bathrooms.. I don’t think there is a worse chore for me.
Least favorite is cleaning out closets and drawers. I end up with stuff or junk on the floor from cleaning and then I need to clean that up.
My least favourite spring cleaning job is cleaning the bathrooms
I don’t do spring cleaning. So I guess everything ties for my least favourite. Maybe if I win I’ll be inspired to clean up a bit.
i hate cleaning under the bed…yuck and yuck!
I absolutely LOVE your first sentence. I think you are my twin because “I suck at cleaning” too!
I hate getting rid of all the toys and clothes my kids grow out of. I know if I get rid of one item, they will “need” it the week after it is gone. However, they have not used it for a whole year. As far as cleaning, I am not fond of light fixtures. Up and down, up and down.
My least favourite spring cleaning job is tidying the garage to get rid of all the build up of winter grit and grudge.
I don’t like any cleaning, but I like it when the house is clean.
My least favorite spring cleaning job has to be cleaning the ceiling light fixtures.
I hate cleaning the windows and the de-cluttering the storage.
Cleaning the windows (ouch, my aching back!).
I hate clearing out accumulated “stuff” and sorting out what stays and what goes – such arguments!
Cleaning the window blinds is my least favourite spring cleaning chore.. 🙂
Cleaning up clutter and getting ready to have a garage sales
Cleaning the bathrooms is my least favourite
Bathrooms for sure!
i hate folding clothes
I dislike window washing…
my least favourite cleaning chore has to be cobwebs because of spiders
I hate cleaning off the dust off everywhere because it anyways makes its way back.
the bathroom is my least favorite room to clean.
least favourite spring cleaning job is cleaning the windows
I hate cleaning window blinds.
My least favourite spring cleaning job is cleaning windows.
I hate cleaning all of the dust that seems to settle daily and in the spring the outside windows!
I hate cleaning the windows.
I hate cleaning the layer of dust that seems to settle on everything over the winter.
I hate cleaning the chandelier to much detail.
I enjoy vacuuming but toilets are terrible!
Dusting is the worst!
Cleaning out the storage room.
Cleaning the yard of poomines that were hidden by snow all winter.
Cleaning the bathroom
Washing down the walls. I’ve always hated it.
The Fridge — its satisfying turfing old stuff but the clean-up is the pits
Gotta be bathrooms for sure.
When I am spring cleaning I wash out all the garbage cans.
My bathroom and i need to tackle it!
I’m not a big fan of cleaning the windows – they are high and it takes a lot of work!
Windows and cobwebs are the worst for me.
Bathrooms, especially the boys as they still don’t have the best aim in the middle of the night ugh!
Bathrooms are my least favourite cleaning chore!
My least favourite is cleaning windows, but it has to be done!
Shower and the glass shower doors. Seems never ending!
Bathrooms! Anything to do with cleaning the bathrooms!
Cleaning the ceiling fans, hard to reach and so dusty and dirty. yuck
I clean the windows and wash walls.
well that’s pretty cool! it won’t help me with washing the floors, tho’…ugh!!!