Some are romantic. Some are funny. Some are uncomfortable. Some are spontaneous. Some are forced. Some are passionate. Some are hot. Some are not. Some are in the rain. Some are on the beach. On-screen kisses are certainly plentiful.
Here are some of my favorites:
1. Westley and Buttercup – The Princess Bride

2. Keith and Watts – Some Kind of Wonderful

3. Chris and Nola – Match Point

4. Noah and Allie – The Notebook

5. Jordan and Angela – My So-Called Life

6. Troy and Lelaina – Reality Bites

7. Johnny and Baby – Dirty Dancing

8. Cecilia and Robbie – Atonement

9. Jake and Samantha – Sixteen Candles

10. Pam and Jim – The Office

Obviously, because I watch altogether too many movies, I have WAY more than ten. Ross and Rachel on Friends. Jo and Professor Bhaer in Little Women (swoon!) Terry and Edie in On The Waterfront omg. Seth and Summer, spiderman-stlye on The OC, Christian and Satine in Moulin Rouge, Josie and Mr. Coulson in Never Been Kissed, Jesse and Celine in Before Sunrise, Claire Danes as Juliet and Leo Di Caprio as Romeo, Doug and Kate in The Cutting Edge, Diane Court and Lloyd Dobbler in Say Anything….OKAY FINE I’LL STOP NOW….
What about you??? Favorite on-screen kisses?
If this were my list, the Grace/Oliver Warbucks kiss at the end of Annie would be on it. It was so fast I think I used to rewind and pause on the vcr just to make sure I saw it all. Yup, I’m pathetic.
Oh and I’d also add the first kiss btwn Annette Bening and Michael Douglas in The American President.
Yes ma’am.
A tail.
he’s got one.
google “vestigial tail”
or maybe don’t.
WHAT??? A tail???
DId you know that Viggo has a TAIL?
I love the Viggo Mortensen and Diane Lane one in Walk on the Moon….under the waterfall – HELLOOOO
And Viggo and Maria Bello in History of Violence..
uhoh there is a trend here….
And I’m with Erin on the Brokeback kiss….
Tilda Swinton and the hot young cook in I AM Love…
but really – #1 is the Notebook…making out in the rain always hot…unless you’re Hugh Grant and Andie McDoweel – then it’s just awkward…
A lot of those I would have chosen myself…Princess Bride is one of my all time fav movies, Reality Bites too (it so spoke to me as a Gen Xer). Here are a few more:
ET : Drew Barrymore kissing ET good bye (on the nose).
An Officer and a Gentleman: The factory kiss scene.
The Maltese Falcon: Sam Spade & Brigid O’Shaughnessy.
When Harry met Sally: New Year’s Eve.
Some Kind of Wonderful: Eric Stoltz & Mary Stuart Masterson.
Amelie: Audrey Tautou & Matthieu Kassovitz
Frida: Salma Hayek & Ashley Judd
Brokeback Mountain: Heath Ledger & Jake Gyllenhaal
The last two choices brought same-sex kisses into the mainstream (I know there are others but I liked these two), but Indie films do a better job…but.
Twilight, I admit it, I liked Twilight (but not New Moon – still haven’t watched Eclipse – have read all four books twice (second time while in Forks and La Push): most of the kissing scenes in Twilight were fraught with such tension…