I’ve always said that I’d take 3 sick children over 1 sick husband. The past 2 days have reinforced that opinion. I looked up the definition of a man cold and found the one that was most suitable for my man:
A man cold is found exclusively upon the Y chromosome. This particular strand of the common cold results in individuals acting like a little bitch and crying about a stuffy nose. Treatments for this include: suck it up, we don’t care, and we’re not your mother. antonym: The woman cold, in which a woman can be dying of internal bleeding and manage to pass it off as just a flesh wound.
A side effect of Sean’s particular man cold is blowing of the nose as loud as possible all throughout the night and moaning after each nose blow. Now I’m tired and have even less patience. But something came over me and I thought I would be nice to him, hoping that a bit of kindness would help speed up the recovery.
As he lay in bed all day and sips on a soothing NeoCitran or throws back a couple of Cold & Sinus pills, I like to remind him that when I feel as bad as he does, I have no options for relief. I have a cardiac arrhythmia therefore cannot take any type of cold medication. It truly sucks and is probably the reason why my patience wears thin when he thinks he is dying from has a cold.
So for now I pump up my vitamin C, load up on veggies, toss back some oil of oregano (ugh) and hope that my immunity stays strong, although I know it’s just a matter of time before I’m hit with it. And when that time comes, I will likely just suck it up and carry on. Am I being too hard on him or is this typical of others who suffer with a man cold?
Truer words have not been written. I’m not looking forward to cold & flu season…
im a total man when it comes to colds… so no you’re not being hard on him.. I’m just starting on it today and gearing up for some megga whining!
i saw a great cartoon…it had a bald woman rushing around pulling a toddler, pushing a stroller and carrying a bag of groceries and a split of a man in bed with the usual man-cold detritus and the caption was …”woman with cancer, man with cold”