Your first pregnancy is the most indulgent time of your life. Sadly I can’t say the same for round two and I expect it just gets worse for round three and (gasp!) round four.
In my first pregnancy I took amazing care of myself. I slept when I needed to, put my feet up when I was feeling fatigued, ate really well and practiced a lot of yoga. As a result I had an amazing pregnancy and felt awesome. I was that annoying pregnant person that LOVED being pregnant.
Fast forward two years and being pregnant for the second time with a two year old in tow I’m hating all of those pregnancy lovers. Indulgence isn’t even in my vocabulary. Now it’s cater to the demands of (insert kids name here) and then maybe take some time for me.
The first four months of this pregnancy I had all day nausea combined with the typical first trimester fatigue, but I had no time to rest (instead I was a walking zombie). Between taking care of L’il E and working I had no choice but to spend my days channeling all my energy into not puking. As precaution I would bring bags with me wherever I went – just in case! Now that those days are behind me I’ve had chronic rib and back pain (oh woe is me!). This bone grinding pain that just never goes away can grate on a girls nerves. Despite this, my L’il E insists that I pick him up or have a snuggle whilst jumping onto my giant abdomen. I do it because I love him and I want to, the indulgences from the first time just a mere memory.
Now it’s not all doom and gloom my dear second timer hopefuls. So here is a list of the very small indulgences I have been able to incorporate into my life the second time around:
1. Yogaglo.com – This has been a lifesaver. I have no time to go to the yoga studio so I’ve been bringing the yoga class to my house through this amazing online yoga experience. I pay $18 a month and have full access to tons of streaming yoga classes, including prenatal, taught by about a dozen different professional yoga instructors. You can choose based on your level, duration, teacher or style. Even if I only have 15 or 20 minutes there are classes that cater to my time restraints and the prenatal classes are actually challenging.
2. Prenatal massage – This is something that I didn’t do much of when I was pregnant with L’il E, but I was so uptight in my first trimester trying not to throw up all the time, that the only way I could relax was through massage. I’ve gone to SunnyMummy in Toronto several times and really liked their staff and they get bonus points for providing childcare.
3. Home spa – On Sunday night after L’il E goes to bed I’ve been indulging in my own little spa ritual. I’ve been buying Balea face mask sachets at Shopper’s Drug Mart (they cost about $1.99 each) and I’ve been doing a different face mask every couple of weeks. This ritual just helps make me feel a little more attractive and relaxes me for the hectic week ahead.
I’d love to hear some of your indulgences. Please share in the comments and help a sister out!
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