People ask me everyday how far along I am and I never know the answer. When I was pregnant with L’il E I knew how many weeks plus days I was, but this time I’ve just been focused on how many weeks I have left. Just so you know, the number is seven!
Only 7 more weeks of uncomfortableness before I move on to six weeks of tenderness.
I so desperately just want my flat abs back (take note of photo above!).
I want to wear cute clothes and walk around without bumping into things. I want to play on the floor with L’il and feel the hubs embrace without the obstruction of a giant basketball between us. I want to walk without waddling and needing to pee. Oh and a giant glass of red wine would be amazing.
Basically I’ve reached my limit and I’m feeling impatient, but I am so grateful to have this little thing growing inside. I just want to meet it and cuddle it and get on with life as a foursome.
What did you miss the most while you were pregnant?
I’m a stomach sleeper, so I missed that the most for sure.
My massage therapist has a table with a prenatal sling. I would go for massage once a week for the last 6 weeks.
I could care less if she touched me, I was just happy to be on my stomach for an hour.
I missed my clothes. And my waistline. And my skin (I had sick, terrible acne the last time around). You’re in the home stretch!!
gawd, i was sooooo looking forward to not peeing every 10 minutes! that was hell for me. but considering that was my only problem, i got off scott free 🙂
I just remember how sleep was NOT my friend during that final stretch… “bedtime” in theory sounded so delicious, but in reality, it was gearing up for a night of uncomfortable tossing and turning, trying to adjust the pillow between my knees, moving the belly with my arms, lest it should crack right off my body… and getting up to pee more than once a night…
I hear you. It’s almost over, Alanna! Soooooo soon!!