Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just push pause sometimes…?
I am going to spend today soaking up every second of my kids.
As much as I am looking forward to it I cannot help but think about what a big year this will be for us.
I will have all three children in school full time.
It’s bittersweet for me. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed every minute Eva and I had together while the boys were at school. I wasn’t quite ready for this but she really is.
I am so excited for him. He has an amazing teacher (so I’m told), great classmates and I really am looking forward to this next stage with him.
It also means that he is a bus kid. For the first time in his life he will be a bus kid.
For the past seven years I have driven him to school, kissed the top of his head and watched him scamper off. Not anymore. <sniff>
It will be a rude awakening for my sleepy morning boy who will need to be out the door by 7:45am to catch that bus. For the past seven years we have been leaving the house at 9:10am!
Cam entering middle school is also affecting the other two (Cuyler more than Eva).
Last year was the only year ever that all of 3 my kids will be in the same school.
Toward the end of last year Cuyler was showing some signs of anxiety with Cam not being at the same school. Asking if Cam could stay or if he could go to Cam’s new school.
He has only known school with Cam there. His big brother who, during a thunderstorm, would ask to go to the bathroom and then go to Cuyler’s class to see if he was ok.
Who would tell me when kids were not kind to Cuyler or if they made fun of him. He was his watchdog.
Everyday Cam would walk Cuyler to the back of the school while I dropped Eva off at the kinder yard out front.
Oh who am I kidding. My anxiety is just as high as Cuyler’s. For all the same reasons. Typing that out just made it worse. Oy.
I do think this will be a great opportunity for Cuyler to be the big brother. To build confidence and not rely on Cam for it.
I’m certain that the anticipation of these changes is much worse than the reality will be.
I’m with Sara, Cam sounds like a lovely young man. But you’re right…this is a great opportunity for Cuy to get to build some confidence and self esteem as the big brother himself. Silver linings, right?
Good luck with your job search!
Wow. My anxiety just raised with that. What a sweet, sweet boy Cam is. I’m excited for him. And for the independence that Cuy and Eva will experience with Cam changing…. and for YOU!