Sometimes I feel like there is more than one of me. No, I don’t suffer from multiple personality disorder but I do wear many hats as they say. I am daughter, wife, sister, and friend but most of all I am Mom and Marketer. Many people see me in the schoolyard in my Lululelmons with no make-up and a 5 year old hanging off my arm and they know me as my kids’ mom. That Jen is casual. She doesn’t wear make-up and hangs out a lot at Starbucks. Jen the Marketer is professional, driven, and, despite herself, dresses up (and man does she ever thanks to a shopping trip to a local boutique with her good pal Karen). She, surprisingly, also spends a lot of time at Starbucks 😉
But sometimes it happens that these two Jens collide and it always makes me feel slightly ill at ease. Like today, I was decked out in my new suit (love! see pics below) and off to an important meeting but first I had to drop the kids at school. I wanted to make it quick before someone caught sight of me and wondered what that Jen was doing in the schoolyard. Unfortunately, I couldn’t quite pull it off so I had a few comments from people like my daughter’s teacher who said "Wow. You look great!" or "Where are you off to all dolled up?". OK, aside form the fact that I must be looking pretty bad as Mom Jen I felt weird showing up as Jen the Marketer on the other Jen’s turf.
Mom Jen:
(this pic is particularly bad because I had just come back from a run so be kind)
Jen the Marketer:
(isn’t the new suit AWESOME!) Check out this pic of the necklace up close…love!
Then, to top it all off, I got to my meeting and it turned out I was presenting in front of two moms I knew through my kids! Who was I now? I was dressed like Jen the Marketer but was chatting with these ladies as Mom Jen would about schoolwork, camps, and other mom-related topics.
It is strange, really, because other than the way we dress and our hair and make-up we are, of course, the same person. But for some reason these superficial differences make me feel insecure. I don’t belong in the schoolyard all decked out and I certainly don’t belong at a meeting in my Lulus!
Wow!!! You look amazing. love the suit and the whole package. I actually think you look really great post-run as well.
you look great! i love, love that suit! and the necklace totally pulls your look together so perfectly. Until last December, I worked part-time, on Mons and WEds. so, i would alternately show up at school dressed in my beloved Lulus, or a suit with heels and make-up. I could tell that my kids’ teachers were confused so i explained my situation! Now, I’m back to only Lulus (actually, just one pair that still fits at this stage). I’ve also further deteriorated from no make-up but brushed hair and contact lenses, to pony-tailed, unbrushed hair, glasses, and increasingly grouchy, late pregnancy demeanor!
Awesome necklace. What boutiques did you and Karen hit?
Wow! You look AMAZING! And how artistic is that last shot? Nice.
I think everyone feels like two (or more) people from time-to-time with the different roles we play in our lives.
Oh, and niiiiiiice suit 🙂
so funny..because i only pick up my kids after work…so i’m always wearing my work clothing and feel really out of place among all the lulu’ed out moms. i am so jealous!
Of course you look great all “dolled-up” (btw, that suit is amazing), but I frankly think you look pretty darn good with no makeup on after the run!! I’m just a mite bit jealous! Must be that cleanse!!!
WOW, Jen the marketer looks great in that new suit!! Love the necklace too.