This morning in the parking lot at my daughter’s high school I ran into an acquaintance. She asked what grades my daughters were in.
She said, “You have one in second grade?” I kissed her feet and offered her the name of a good optometrist. I wish. Second year University. She told me she wished hers was at University because then she would not worry so much.
Don’t wish it away! Besides, little kids, little problems.Big kids, bigger issues. And with that, full size worry.
So here my note to my second year daughter, all the way over there in a beautiful house, on a beautiful campus, having a beautiful life. Beautiful, fabulous speed bumps ahead.
1. Life is a mirror and a window. You decide your part in it, how the world sees you and what your reality is.
2. Feed your body, feed your mind, feed your soul, feed your life. Everyday. Everything else will follow.
3. Being nice is underrated.
4. Being nice is not the same thing as not saving something for yourself. Be fair,decent and human to all. Be very good to those who are good to you. Be good to yourself.
5. Say ‘yes’ to life.
6. It is better to be talked about then to talk about.
7. What people think of you is none of your business.
7. Don’t make assumptions about people.
8. Be kind, we are all struggling with something.
9. Don’t be small. Small thoughts and judgements crumble the spirit.
10. Have a beer on the pier. And jump in the sparkling lake.
11. Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
12. Chicks before Dicks (I don’t like crude but it does rhyme). SOLID friends (both boys and girls) are critical. The boyfriends will come and go. The right boyfriend will fit in amongst your people and your life as you will his.
13. Everyday is practice for how you will be. The more you are something the more you will be something. Be conscious of this.
I learned much of this from you and from my highest calling; being your mom.
Will you raise my daughter through her teen years? I feel she would benefit from your wisdom… And perhaps listen to you more than she would listen to me.
Yes, I have an empty purple room and redheads look so good in purple!
GREAT advice, woman. You know it all… 😉
Nope. Fumbling fumbling fumbling but eyes and heart wide open.
Love it Nanc. Great advice from the wisest woman I know.
Ditto the response to grumbler. But S, we need to have that bottle of wine ASAP before Will goes to college himself!