It seems that anything worth doing is worth doing head-first. Is this a boy thing? Is it a personality trait? Is this reckless abandon something I could stand to learn to incorporate into my own life? Am I fated to spend the next eighteen years standing at the foot of the metaphorical slide, wondering how I am going to catch this bullet of a kid at the bottom?
I am a careful person, and though I am neither graceful nor athletic, I have never broken a bone or had to heal from any serious injury. I am keenly aware of my physical limits, and am not about to make myself uncomfortable pushing them. This kid, though. He must take after his father.

Oh gosh, I know… I have one kid who exercises caution, and the other one is, um… different. I’m sprouting a new grey hair just thinking about it. The child makes me tiiiiiired.
Is “adventures” a euphemism for “Emergency Room visits”?
I hear you, Emily! This is both something to be admired and feared as a mother. The good news? His life will be full of adventures 🙂