I feel like our year ends the same way: Daddy begins his 2 week vacation off work with a sore throat and fever, and his malaise either spreads to the rest of us, or he suffers with it alone until New Years Eve, when he’s perhaps feeling somewhat better, but still fatigued and ready to retire for the evening by 10 PM at the latest.
I end up drinking most of the champagne by myself.
But here’s the good news: besides building up an insane tolerance for bubbly and other spirits during the Alcoholidays, I try to just enjoy the duality of The Full Weight of the Mutherload with The Quiet that comes in the downtimes.
I don’t make resolutions at this time of year, usually. *She leans in and gestures with her perfect Barbra-like manicure* Oy, who needs the presshaaah?
Instead, I’ll count my blessings and try not to cry about the fact the year isn’t ending on a high note. It’s okay. I’ve had a good year.
I think the best part of it all is the feeling that I’m inching all the more away from maximum into medium – or dare I even say minimum security prison in terms of my time in baby-jail. It’s really a good thing. The baby-ness of things is receding. In some ways, I feel like life might get easier now. Well different, at least. I’m ready.
And though these last few weeks have been fraught will all kinds of sneezing, and hacking coughs, phlegm, and indeed, pneumonia (poor Martin!) Christmas morning looked a lot like this…
And if you weren’t busy being all feverish, you spent time lounging in tutus and fur blankets in front of plates of salami and cucumber while the Backyardigans sang their songs for you like this…
Fortunately, the children are small and haven’t really considered all their holiday wishes – they were not disappointed – they got to do everything they wanted, which blessedly, mostly included hanging out in pajamas all day, playing games on the new Playstation 3.
And the whole while, I sipped at the fancy wines just a tad early during the day… but kinda all day. What? It was… excellent, yo.
Yay for them. Yay for us. Yay for me.
Another year down, and we’re all relatively well – nothing a bit more rest won’t cure, anyway.
Happy New Year, Everyone!! Got plans?
Nancy, I will share that crown with you. Hee!! Oh, and Martin said to say, “I like your friend Nancy…” See? Sharing is caring. xox
the queen of the inapropro comment has to tell you YOUR HUSBAND IS ADORABLE. I read the post but beyond his pic I don’t remember anything.
Happy New one
PS – that message was from around 11:30 PM… forgot to press “send.” Damned champagne!!
We’re back home now too. Despite my pleas for a short nap, my nearly-7 year old wasn’t having any of it. And he wasn’t sleeping over, and “this party is just too loud mummy, can we please go home now?” He’s still pseudo-sick. What could I say?
Please pass the wine. Oh, and Happy New Year, darling!!
Well as I type this, it is T-minus 60minutes til the ball drop and I have 1 kid sleeping over at Nana’s, one kid alseep at my feet on the couch and one kid asleep up in bed. Husband is playing on the ipad beside me and I’m surfing on the laptop – as I chided myself for doing in my most current post.
Aside from Eva not being here – it’s just perfect.
Happy New Year to you and yours Grumble!
We’re going to a party tonight at friends’ house we haven’t seen in ages. Should be great fun, but I don’t think I’ll last until midnight….so LAME, but that’s what a newborn will do to ya!