My family could not be more opposite from Sean’s. He’s got dozens of cousins, aunts, uncles and extended family all over Ontario on both his mom and dad’s side.
My parents came to Canada from Northern Ireland when my Mum was 19 and my Dad was 22. My Mum went back to have my oldest sister and returned 8 weeks later.
Her sister – my aunt – followed suit and came to Canada 7 years later.
The rest of the family stayed put in Belfast.
My parents carved out a nice life for my sisters and I by working hard and sacrificing alot. Like having family in close proximity. We saw our grandparents only during the summer. We saw our extended family only the summers they came out or we went there.
We were lucky enough to have my Mum’s sister and her family here, auntie, uncle and two cousins. And girls too! We spent many, many Sundays with them for dinner and every Christmas with them, alternating years at our place and theirs.
(DO NOT JUDGE WARDROBE! This was ’93 and my sister was pregnant with her daughter – who starts university in exactly one month)

Around that same time my middle sister moved out west to BC when she was 18 for university and planted her roots there. She became an teacher, met her husband and had a daughter.
This past Monday we got the whole gang out again. Everybody.
It was an amazing day. The weather. The company. The time spent together.
I wish we could do it more often.
Although…I wondered as I reflected on the day if I would take for granted our special little (maybe not so little anymore) family in Canada.
Can’t ask for much more than that, can you?
wow!!!!! what a great day. everyone had a wonderful time. kudos to everyone.
If I may say, the 2011 edition of the cousin pic should have been added to show how fabulous we all look now. Do not judge, the early ’90’s were not good to anyone! Although I am a mom, I do not wear mom jeans now and I could not live without regular eyebrow waxings, thank you very much!
I am so lucky to call Christine my best friend now, even after all the years she wanted nothing to do with me when we were growing up and she thought she was too cool for me:-( Funny how things change when you grow up. We are very lucky to have each other and we have our mom’s to thank for everything. I hope that we can all continue the tradition with our own kids now.
What a fantastic day-loved it, love you!! xx
What a fantastic post!
I agree with all of it! It was a great day and it was so wonderful to have everyone together! I know Corrine and I are lucky to have such awesome cousins and we both treasure our relationships with you all.
Soo cute to see the girls playing together as well
I think sometimes the further people are apart, the sweeter the times when they get together… I’m so happy you had a wicked time, lady! Yay for family!!
Nope, that sounds pretty perfect 🙂